Items of the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination Version III
Item number
1: Attention – orientation
Ask the day, date, month, year, season, floor, street/hospital, town, county and country.
2: Attention – registration
Say the words lemon, key and ball and ask them to repeat and try to remember.
3. Attention – concentration
Ask to take 7 away from 100 and keep taking 7 away from the new number for 5 trials (Serial 7’s).
4. Memory – recall
Ask for the three words from 2. Attention – registration.
5a. Fluency – letters
Ask for as many words as they can think of starting with the letter ‘P’, not including names of pronouns, in 1 min.
5b. Fluency –animals
Ask for the names of as many animals as they can think of in 1 min.
6. Memory –anterograde
Say the name and address ‘Harry Barnes, 73, Orchard Close, Kingsbridge, Devon’ and ask them to repeat and try to remember.
7. Memory –retrograde
Ask for the name of the current Prime Minister, name of the woman who was Prime Minister, name of the USA president and name of the USA president who was assassinated in the 1960s.
8. Language –comprehension
Place a pencil and paper in front. Ask to ‘place the paper on top of the pencil’, ‘pick up the pencil but not the paper’ and ‘pass me the pencil after touching the paper’.
9. Language –writing
Ask to write two or more complete sentences about their last holiday/weekend/Christmas, without using abbreviations.
10. Language –repetition
Say the words caterpillar, eccentricity, unintelligible and statistician and ask them to repeat.
11. Language –repetition
Say the proverbs ‘All that glitters is not gold’ and ‘A stitch in time saves nine’ and ask them to repeat.
12. Language –naming
Show 12 images and ask them to name each.
13. Language –comprehension
Ask to point to ‘the one which is associated with the monarchy’, ‘the one which is a marsupial’, ‘the one which is found in the Antarctic’ and ‘the one which has a nautical connection’ from the 12 images provided.
14. Language –reading
Ask them to read the words sew, pint, soot, dough and height.
15a. Visuospatial abilities – infinity diagram
Ask them to copy the following:
15b. Visuospatial abilities – wire cube
Ask them to copy the following:
15c. Visuospatial abilities – clock
Ask them to draw a clock face with numbers and the hands at ten past five.
16. Visuospatial abilities
Ask them to count the number of dots without pointing.
17. Visuospatial abilities
Ask them to identify the fragmented letters K, M, A and T.
18. Memory – recall
Ask for the three words from 6. Memory – anterograde.
19. Memory – recognition
For each word of the name and address that could not be recalled, give the options listed and ask to identify which word it was.