Table 1

Treatment pathways: similarities and differences

Conventional carePharmacy pathwayContrast
HCV testing Opportunistic HCV testing on presentation for OST therapyOpportunistic HCV testing on presentation for OST therapyThe same procedure is provided in each of the study arms
HCV test confirmation Test result is communicated and—if positive—referred for assessment in local treatment centreTest result is communicated and—if positive—assessment directly undertaken in the pharmacyAssessment for treatment is carried out at the pharmacy when the participant visits to obtain OST, not at a different site with a different provider
Treatment initiation Suitable patients are prescribed treatment by a nurse prescriber at the local treatment centre and access treatment through DOT at their pharmacySuitable patients are prescribed treatment by a pharmacist prescriber and access treatment through DOT at their pharmacyTreatment initiation is carried out at the pharmacy and not at a different site with a different provider
Treatment monitoring Treatment monitoring is carried out by the specialist team in their clinicTreatment monitoring is carried out at the pharmacyTreatment monitoring is carried out at the pharmacy, not at a different site. Monitoring in the conventional pathway requires additional clinic visits
Treatment completion SVR testing is carried out by DBST at the pharmacySVR testing is carried out by DBST at the pharmacyThe same procedure is provided in each of the study arms
  • DBST, dried blood spot testing; DOT, directly observed therapy; HCV, hepatitis C virus; OST, opioid substitution therapy; SVR, sustained virological response.