Table 2

Characteristics of emergency admissions for development and validation datasets

CharacteristicDevelopment dataset (NH)Validation dataset (YH)
Discharged aliveDischarged diedDischarged aliveDischarged died
N29 230176624 5441703
Median length of stay (days) (IQR)4.3 (8.3)8.3 (13.3)3.9 (7.7)8.1 (14.1)
Male (%)14 557 (49.8)887 (50.2)11 646 (47.5)845 (49.6)
Mean NEWS (SD)2.1 (2.2)4.5 (3.2)2.5 (2.5)5.0 (3.6)
 Alert (%)28 788 (98.5)1613 (91.3)23 953 (97.6)1503 (88.3)
 Pain (%)80 (0.3)31 (1.8)131 (0.5)49 (2.9)
 Voice (%)315 (1.1)83 (4.7)357 (1.5)106 (6.2)
 Unconscious (%)47 (0.2)39 (2.2)103 (0.4)45 (2.6)
AKI score
 0 (%)27 063 (92.6)1326 (75.1)22 133 (90.2)936 (55.0)
 1 (%)1358 (4.7)204 (11.6)1482 (6.0)451 (26.5)
 2 (%)429 (1.5)129 (7.3)369 (1.5)191 (11.2)
 3 (%)380 (1.3)107 (6.1)560 (2.3)125 (7.3)
Oxygen supplementation (%)5364 (18.4)900 (51.0)2549 (10.4)582 (34.2)
Mean age (years) (SD)66.2 (19.5)79.8 (11.1)67.5 (19.4)80 (11.7)
Mean albumin (g/L) (SD)33.7 (5.9)27.3 (6.4)38.2 (5.7)32.9 (6)
Mean creatinine (μmol/L) (SD)103.3 (78.2)148.9 (124.4)100.8 (90.6)138.7 (119)
Mean haemoglobin (g/L) (SD)127.8 (22.2)117.1 (22.8)125.2 (22)117.1 (23.2)
Mean potassium (mmol/L) (SD)4.1 (0.6)4.3 (0.8)4.3 (0.6)4.4 (0.8)
Mean sodium (mmol/L) (SD)137 (5.1)136 (7)136.6 (4.6)136.1 (6.2)
Mean white cell count (109 cells/L) (SD)9.8 (6.5)13.2 (13.3)10.2 (10.7)13.9 (21.1)
Mean urea (mmol/L) (SD)7.5 (5.6)14.1 (10.5)7.8 (5.6)13.3 (8.9)
Mean respiratory rate (breaths per min) (SD)18 (3.5)20.1 (4.8)18.6 (4.6)21.7 (6.8)
Mean temperature (°C) (SD)36.5 (0.7)36.3 (0.8)36.3 (0.8)36.1 (1.1)
Mean systolic pressure (mm Hg) (SD)129.6 (22.7)119.8 (24.8)136.1 (27.2)128.5 (30.3)
Mean diastolic pressure (mm Hg) (SD)75 (14.8)69.5 (15.8)75.4 (15.5)71.3 (17.7)
Mean pulse rate (beats per min) (SD)81.3 (17.7)86.5 (19.7)86.2 (20.9)92.1 (23.3)
Mean % oxygen saturation (SD)96.0 (2.9)94.6 (4.7)96.3 (2.9)95.0 (4.4)
  • AKI, acute kidney injury; NEWS, National Early Warning Score(s); NH, Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust Hospital; YH, York Hospital.