MenLives with parents or other relatives (%)Lives alone (%)Lives with non-relatives only (%)Lives with a partner, not with children (%)Lives with a partner and children (%)Lives with children, not with a partner (%)Total sample
 16–17 years21.
 18–19 years26.325.
 20–24 years52.
 Asian/Asian British5.
 Black/Black British3.
Employment/student status
 In employment54.958.523.385.794.355.7
 In full-time education37.533.476.712.54.238.5
 Not in employment or education7.
Area of residence
 Greater London13.67.815.
 Other urban64.182.980.181.374.169.7
Relationship status
 Not in a steady relationship57.
 In a steady relationship42.956.848.8100.0100.052.5
 Unweighted total (N)941156106896941365
 Weighted total (N)648821307955994
 Total (%) (weighted)65.28.313.17.95.5-
  • Figures presented are column percentages. Due to low numbers (n=4), statistics are not presented for young men living with children but not with a partner.