Table 1

Overview of the instruments we used, clarifying domains and concepts

Current living situationDemographic questionnaireLiving Situation (Item)
Spatial independenceDemographic questionnaireDistance from Parents (Item)
Relationship with the parentsKidscreen-27Autonomy & Parent Relation Subscale
Education and profession
Educational levelDemographic questionnaireHighest Completed Education (Item)
Repeated school yearsDemographic questionnaireNumber of Repeated School Years (Item)
Employment situationDemographic questionnaireCurrent Employment Situation (Item)
Financial situationDemographic questionnaireMaintaining Livelihood (Item)
Marital statusDemographic questionnaireMarital Status (Item)
Partner statusDemographic questionnairePartner Status (Item)
Duration of longest relationshipDemographic questionnaireDuration of Longest Relationship (Item)
Social environment
Social support in generalF-SozUF-SozU Total Score
Social support by peersKidscreen-27Subscale Perceived Social Support & peers
Feelings about schoolKidscreen-27Subscale School
Social functioningSF-36Subscale Self-Rated Social Function
Reintegration after PHTXDemographic questionnaireReintegration at School (item)
Subjective physical well-being
Subjective physical complaintsGBBTotal Score
Fatigue TendencyGBBSubscale Fatigue Tendency
Gastric ComplaintsGBBSubscale Gastric Complaints
Limb PainGBBSubscale Limb Pain
Heart ComplaintsGBBSubscale Heart Complaints
Physical well-beingKidscreen-27Subscale Physical Well-Being
Subjective psychological well-being
Psychological well-beingKidscreen-27Subscale Psychological Well-Being
Physical functioningSF-36Subscale Physical Functioning
General healthSF-36Subscale General Health
Physical limits in everyday functioningSF-36Subscale Physical Role
PainSF-36Subscale Bodily Pain
Physical quality of lifeSF-36Physical Summary Scale
VitalitySF-36Subscale Vitality
Social functioningSF-36Subscale Social Functioning
Emotional limits in everyday functioningSF-36Subscale Emotional Role
Mental healthSF-36Subscale Mental Health
Psychological quality of lifeSF-36Mental Summary Scale
  • GBB, Gießener Beschwerde-Bogen; SF-36, Short-Form-36.