Table 2

Completeness of reporting in the included studies

ItemStudies reporting each itemNo of studies (%)
Personal characteristics
 Interviewer/facilitator identified 19 20 23–25 27 30 32–34 40 66 70 78 79 15 (44)
 Experience or training in qualitative research 27 32 33 66 81 5 (15)
Relationship with participants
 Relationship established prior to study commencement 26 32 40 66 74–76 82 8 (24)
Participant selection
 Selection strategy (eg, snowball, purposive, convenience, comprehensive) 19–34 40 66–82 34 (100)
 Method of approach or recruitment 19–23 25–28 30–34 40 66–76 78–82 31 (91)
 Sample size 19–34 40 66–82 34 (100)
 Number and/or reasons for non-participation 20 21 24–30 32–34 66 69–73 75 78–80 22 (65)
 Venue of data collection 19 26 40 66 68 74–77 82 10 (29)
 Presence of non-participants (eg, clinical staff) 26 31 34 74 82 5 (15)
 Description of the sample 19–34 40 66–76 79–82 32 (94)
Data collection
 Questions, prompts or topic guide 19–34 40 66–76 78–82 33 (97)
 Repeat interviews/observations 22 23 31 34 73 80 6 (18)
 Audio/visual recording 20 21 23–34 40 66–68 70 71 73–79 81 82 30 (88)
 Field notes 26 28 34 68 70 71 79 7 (21)
 Duration of data collection (interview or focus group) 20 21 25 26 28 31 34 66 67 72–82 20 (59)
 Protocol for data preparation and transcription 19–28 30–34 40 66–70 72–77 79–82 31 (91)
 Data (or theoretical) saturation 21 22 25 27 32–34 66 67 76 79 80 12 (36)
Data analysis
 Researcher/expert triangulation (multiple researchers involved in coding and analysis) 19–21 23–34 40 66 67 71 73–80 82 28 (82)
 Derivation of themes or findings (eg, inductive, constant comparison) 19–34 40 66–68 71–82 32 (94)
 Use of software (eg, NVivo, HyperRESEARCH, Atlas.ti) 20 21 23 26 28–30 40 66–68 70 73 76–78 80 17 (50)
 Participant feedback on findings 21 23 31 32 73 79 6 (18)
 Participant quotations or raw data provided (picture, diary entries) 19–22 24–34 40 66 67 70–75 77–82 30 (88)
 Range and depth of insight into participant perspectives (thick description provided) 19–34 40 66–68 73–75 78–81 27 (79)