Table 1

Social demographic and clinical characteristics of women using hormonal contraceptives at Mulago Hospital Family Planning Clinic in Kampala, March–April 2017

VariableNumber (n=384)Percentage (%)
Age (categorised at the median)
 Median (IQR): 28 (18–49)
 No formal education143.6
 Two or more28574.2
Fasting blood sugar
 Normal (<120 mg/dL)37397.1
 High (≥120 mg/dL)112.9
History of hypertension
Body mass index (BMI)
Antiretroviral therapy use
Hormonal contraceptive used
 Progestin-only pill51.3
 Combined oral pill389.9
 Progestin-only injectable18548.2
 Combined Injectable Contraceptive (CIC)82.1
 Implant (one rod)12432.3
 Implant (two rods)246.2
Duration of use of hormonal contraceptive
 <6 months12432.3
 6–11 months4110.7
 ≥12 months21957