Table 5

Suggested reason for mismatched findings and recommendations with examples

Suggested reason for other team not eliciting finding/recommendationRapid analysis (RA)Thematic analysis (TA)TotalExamples
FindingsStraightforward miss/error161733‘There has been no Audit against NICE guidelines for contact (number of visits)’. TA
Specific/detailed101121‘Aromatherapy oils are expensive’. TA
Positive finding not reported15015‘Initial engagement visits to community teams by HBT members facilitated implementation’. RA
Finding emerged from ’what is not in the data' – higher level interpretation516‘It is not known whether current MSW recruits will be successful in the 45 credit [training] module, and how Service needs will be met if they are not’. RA
The embedded team’s knowledge of the context meant they did not agree033Examples suppressed as sensitive.
Suppressed as politically challenging022Examples suppressed as sensitive.
RecommendationsStraightforward miss/error31821‘Ensure that meetings are attended by as many of full and part-time workers as possible’. TA
Recommendation emerged from ‘what is not in the data’ – higher level interpretation19019“Consider whether services which fall outside of ‘standard’ maternity care should be routinely offered, for example, complementary therapies, hypnobirthing, pool provision, high frequency or duration of contact with women’. RA
Embedded RA team’s contextual knowledge meant that they did not agree with recommendation01515‘Co-locate the HBS with other maternity services.’ TA; the RA team knew that this was not possible at the participating hospital trust.
Specific/detailed recommendations for a service dataset or audit099‘Frequency of texts between mother and midwives could be retrospectively collated to demonstrate improved accessibility’. TA
Contextual knowledge was used to develop recommendation404‘Ensure that the HBT midwives are sufficiently familiar with Birth Centre/Delivery Suite facilities and protocols.’ RA; the TA team assumed this would be the case already.