Table 4

Omics features available in the HELIX subcohort and repeat child panel study

OmicsSamplePlatformFeaturesSubcohort (n=1300)* Second period child panel study
ProteomicsPlasmaLuminex kits: cytokines 30-plex, apoliprotein 5-plex and adipokine 15-plex361170154
MethylationBuffy coat450K, Illumina386 5181173153
TranscriptomicsWhole bloodHTA V.2.0, Affymetrix35 8411010127
MicroRNA (miRNA)Whole bloodSurePrint Human miRNA rel 21, Agilent330941123
Urinary metabolomicsUrine 1H NMR spectroscopy441198153
Serum metabolomicsSerumAbsoluteIDQ p180 kit, Biocrates1771198154
Telomere length
Mitochondrial DNA content
Buffy coatQuantitative real-time PCR21166153
  • *One child’s parents in the subcohort did not give genetic consent, therefore this child was excluded from all omics analyses.

  • HELIX,  Human Early Life Exposome.