Table 1

List of SDH codes and the documents they were derived from

SDH codesCSDH reportOther key WHO documents
1. SDH in generalPart 1: Setting the scene for a global approach to health equity 2 3 29 30 36 42 43
2. Early childhood development and educationEquity from the start (chapter 5) 2 3 29 30 32 36
3. Living conditionsHealthy Places Healthy People (chapter 6) 2 3 29–33
4. Employment and workFair Employment and Decent Work (chapter 7) 2 3 29 30 32
5. Social protectionSocial Protection Across the Lifecourse (chapter 8) 2 3 33 36
6. Universal health coverageUniversal Health Care (chapter 9) 2 30 36 43
7. Health in all policiesHealth Equity in All Policies, Systems, and Programmes (chapter 10) 2 29 30 36 44 45
8. Health financingFair Financing (chapter 11) 2 29 30 33 36 43
9. Role of marketsMarket Responsibility (chapter 12)
10. Non-discriminationGender Equity (chapter 13) 2 29 30 36 46
11. Political empowermentPolitical Empowerment—Inclusion and Voice (chapter 14) 2 29 30 36
12. Global governanceGood Global Governance (chapter 15) 2 29 30 33 36
Auxiliary codes
 Socioeconomic status and healthPart 1: Setting the scene for a global approach to health equity 2 34
  • CSDH, Commission on Social Determinants of Health; SDH, social determinants of health.