Table 1

Participant characteristics at study enrolment

PBTControlP values
Age (years)66 (17)67 (13)0.84
Sex (number, %)
 Female15 (36.6)12 (28.6)0.49
 Male26 (63.4)30 (71.4)
Time poststroke (years)2.0 (3.3)3.2 (4.5)0.086
More affected side (number, %)
 Left22 (53.7)22 (52.4)>0.99
 Right19 (46.3)20 (47.6)
NIH-SS (score)3 (4)3 (5)0.57
CMSA leg (score)5 (1)5 (1)0.54
CMSA foot (score)5 (3)5 (1)0.45
ABC scale (%)65.6 (26.3)79.1 (33.8)0.42
BBS (score)50 (10)51 (7)0.94
Mini-BEST (score)18 (7)18 (5)0.95
TUG (s)14.4 (12.3)13.0 (7.6)0.62
PASIPD (score)8.4 (9.5)11.6 (10.9)0.48
SIPSO (score)30 (9)31 (13)0.74
Fall in the past year (number, %)
 Yes17 (41.5)18 (42.9)>0.99
 No24 (58.5)24 (57.1)
  • Values presented are medians with interquartile range in parentheses (for continuous/ordinal variables) or number with percentage in parentheses (for count/frequency variables). The p value is for the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test (continuous/ordinal variables) or Fisher’s exact test (count/frequency variables).

  • ABC, Activities specific Balance Confidence scale; BBS, Berg Balance Scale; CMSA, Chedoke McMaster Stroke Assessment; mini-BEST, mini Balance   Evaluation Systems Test; NIH-SS, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; PASIPD, Physical Activity Scale for Individuals with Physical Disabilities; SIPSO, Subjective Index of Physical and Social Outcome; TUG, Timed Up & Go.