Table 1

Concepts and search items

DatabaseSearch items
CINAHL via EBSCO1. (((electronic* or online or on-line or digital*) N1 (health record* or medical record* or personal record* or patient record*)) or EHR# or EMR# or ephr#)
2. ((information or data) N4 (shar* or exchang*)) or HIE or HIEs or access*)
3. #1 and #2
4. (((experience or satisfaction) N4 (patient* or consumer* or client* or survey or questionnaire*)) or PREM* or patient-reported experience measure*)
5.(effectiveness or health outcome*)
6. (patient N1 (safety or harm)) or safety manag* or accident prevent* or error* or medication reconcil* or near miss*
7. (efficiency or economic* or cost* or expenditure* or charge* or fee*1 or (number N1 appointment*) or (number adj2 admission*) or (number N1 telephone visit*))
8. waiting lists or timeliness or time-to-treatment
9. health equity
10. #4 or #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 or #9
13. 3 and 10
Cochrane via url:
1. (((electronic* or online or on-line or digital*) near/1 (health record* or medical record* or personal record* or patient record*)) or EHR or EHRs or EMR or EMRs or ephr or ephrs)
2. Electronic Health Records [MesH]
3. #1 or #2
4. (((information or data) near/4 (shar* or exchang*)) or HIE or HIES or access*)
5. Information Dissemination [MesH]
6. #4 or #5
7. #3 and #6
8. (((experience or satisfaction) near/4 (patient* or consumer* or client* or survey or questionnaire*)) or PREM* or patient-reported experience measure*)
9. (effectiveness or health outcome*)
10. (patient near/1 safety) or (patient near/1 harm) or safety manag* or accident prevent* or error* or medication reconcil*
11. (efficiency or economic* or cost* or expenditure* or charge* or fee* or (number near/1 appointment*) or (number near/1 admission*) or (number near/1 telephone visit*))
12. time-to-treatment or timeliness
13. waiting lists [MesH]
14. health equity [MesH]
15. #8 or #9 or #10 or #11 or #12 or #13 or #14
17. 7 and 15
Embase via Ovid1. (((electronic* or online or on-line or digital*) adj2 (health record* or medical record* or personal record* or patient record*)) or EHR? or EMR? or ephr?)
2. Electronic health record/
3. 1 or 2
4. (((information or data) adj5 (shar* or exchang*)) or HIE*2 or access*)
5. Information dissemination/
6. 4 or 5
7. 3 and 6
8. (((experience or satisfaction) adj5 (patient* or consumer* or client* or survey or questionnaire*)) or PREM* or patient-reported experience measure*)
9. (effectiveness or health outcome*) 10. (patient adj2 (safety or harm)) or safety manag* or accident prevent* or error* or medication reconcil* or near miss*
11. (efficiency or economic* or cost* or expenditure* or charge* or fee*1 or (number adj2 appointment*) or (number adj2 admission*) or (number adj2 telephone visit*))
12. waiting list* or time to treatment/or timeliness
13. health equity/
14. 8 or 9 or 10 11 or 12 or 13
15. 7 and 14
HMIC via Ovid1. (((electronic* or online or on-line or digital*) adj2 (health record* or medical record* or personal record* or patient record*)) or EHR? or EMR? or ephr?)
2. Electronic patient records/
3. 1 or 2
4. (((information or data) adj5 (shar* or exchang*)) or HIE*2 or access*)
5. Information exchange/
6. 4 or 5
7. 3 and 6
8. (((experience or satisfaction) adj5 (patient* or consumer* or client* or survey or questionnaire*)) or PREM* or patient-reported experience measure*)
9. (effectiveness or health outcome*) 10. (patient adj2 (safety or harm)) or safety manag* or accident prevent* or error* or medication reconcil* or near miss*
11. (efficiency or economic* or cost* or expenditure* or charge* or fee*1 or (number adj2 appointment*) or (number adj2 admission*) or (number adj2 telephone visit*))
12. waiting lists/or patient waiting time or timeliness
13. health inequalities/or equity
14. 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13
15. 7 and 14
Medline via Ovid1. (((electronic* or online or on-line or digital*) adj2 (health record* or medical record* or personal record* or patient record*)) or EHR? or EMR? or ephr?)
2. Electronic Health Records/
3. 1 or 2
4. (((information or data) adj5 (shar* or exchang*)) or HIE*2 or access*
5. Information Dissemination/
6. 4 or 5
7. 3 and 6
8. (((experience or satisfaction) adj5 (patient* or consumer* or client* or survey or questionnaire*)) or PREM* or patient-reported experience measure*)
9. (effectiveness or health outcome*)
10. ((patient adj2 (safety or harm)) or safety manag* or accident prevent* or error* or medication reconcil* or near miss*)
11. (efficiency or economic* or cost* or expenditure* or charge* or fee*1 or (number adj2 appointment*) or (number adj2 admission*) or (number adj2 telephone visit*))
12. Waiting Lists/or Time-to-treatment/or timeliness
13. Health Equity/
14. 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 15. 7 and 14
PsycINFO via Ovid1. (((electronic* or online or on-line or digital*) adj2 (health record* or medical record* or personal record* or patient record*)) or EHR? or EMR? or ephr?)
2. (((information or data) adj5 (shar* or exchang*)) or HIE*2 or access*)
3. 1 and 2
4. (((experience or satisfaction) adj5 (patient* or consumer* or client* or survey or questionnaire*)) or PREM* or patient-reported experience measure*)
5. (effectiveness or health outcome*)
6. (patient adj2 (safety or harm)) or safety manag* or accident prevent* or error* or medication reconcil* or near miss*
7. (efficiency or economic* or cost* or expenditure* or charge* or fee*1 or (number adj2 appointment*) or (number adj2 admission*) or (number adj2 telephone visit*))
8. waiting list* or time-to-treatment or timeliness
9. equity or health disparities/
10. 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9
11. 3 and 10
  • Search themes (facets) and terms derived for each theme relating to the use of EHR and predicted benefits (patient experience, effectiveness and efficiency)