Table 2

Prevalence of past-year suicidal ideation and suicide attempts by sexual minority status among Chinese adolescents (n=150 822)

Males (N=72 409)Females (N=78 413)
Heterosexual=1 SSA=2BSA=3Unsure=4Heterosexual=5 SSA=6BSA=7Unsure=8
No (%)No (%)No (%)No (%)No (%)No (%)No (%)No (%)
Suicidal ideation
 No48 572 (85.5)795 (78.4)919 (65.3)11 067 (88.3)47 941 (81.2)706 (69.6)1839 (57.7)12 527 (85.1)
 Yes8771 (14.5)243 (21.6)526 (34.7)1516 (11.7)11 490 (18.8)309 (30.4)1348 (42.3)2253 (14.9)
Suicide attempts
 No55 991 (97.8)962 (93.1)1267 (87.8)12 184 (96.9)57 552 (96.9)923 (91.1)2820 (89.1)14 318 (96.8)
 Yes1352 (2.2)76 (6.9)178 (12.2)399 (3.1)1879 (3.1)92 (8.9)367 (10.9)462 (3.2)
  • All numbers were unweighted, whereas all percentages were adjusted for sampling weights.

  • The alpha level for paired comparison was set at p=0.0083 after Bonferroni correction.

  • Paired comparison for suicidal ideation: Paired comparison for suicide attempts:

  • 2>1, χ2=51.42, P<0.001; 6>5, χ2=78.41, P<0.001; 2>1, χ2=105.29, P<0.001; 6>5, χ2=110.22, P<0.001.

  • 3>1, χ2=471.59, P<0.001; 7>5, χ2=978.63, P<0.001; 3>1, χ2=551.67, P<0.001; 7>5, χ2=610.42, P<0.001.

  • 3>2, χ2=47.69, P<0.001; 7>6, χ2=45.29, P<0.001; 3>2, χ2=16.42, P<0.001; 7>6, χ2=4.76, P=0.029.

  • 4<1, χ2=86.74, P<0.001; 8<5, χ2=131.20, P<0.001; 4>1, χ2=27.95, P<0.001; 8>5, χ2=0.05, P=0.824.

  • 4<2, χ2=110.08, P<0.001; 8<6, χ2=161.47, P<0.001; 4<2, χ2=49.09, P<0.001; 8<6, χ2=98.96, P<0.001;.

  • 4<3, χ2=618.07, P<0.001; 8<7, χ2=1197.33, P<0.001; 4<3, χ2=274.99, P<0.001; 8<7, χ2=419.29, P<0.001.

  • BSA, both-sex romantic attraction; SSA, same-sex romantic attraction.