Table 1

Demographic characteristics of residents admitted between 1 January 2008 and 31 December 2016

Internal department (n=356)Psychiatry department (n=128)Total (n=484)
Sex, no (%)
 Male127 (35.7)88 (68.8)215 (44.4)
 Female229 (64.3)40 (31.3)269 (55.6)
No of deaths (%)261 (73.3)32 (25.0)293 (60.5)
Age at endpoint*, median (IQR)86.0 (8.5)61.0 (27.5)83.0 (18.5)
Primary disease†
 Cardiovascular disease‡87 (24.4)
 Lifestyle disease§34 (9.6)
 Nervous disease¶92 (25.8)
 Mental illness32 (9.0)
 Other**111 (31.2)
ADL†, median (IQR)
 Bed morbidity6 (2)
 Toileting6 (1)
 Transfers6 (2)
 Eating5 (4)
 Total23 (11)
Medical condition†, no (%)
 111 (3.1)
 2239 (67.1)
 3102 (28.7)
 Missing4 (1.1)
  • For those who had multiple admission records, the latest records were used in this table.

  • *Endpoint with death/discharge or at the end of the study period (25 June 2017).

  • †Evaluated at admission; ADL: activities of daily living (on a scale from 0 to 24, with higher scores reflecting greater ability).

  • ‡Stroke, coronary heart disease, etc.

  • §Hypertension, diabetes, kidney disease, etc.

  • ¶Parkinson’s disease, dementia, etc.

  • **Digestive and respiratory diseases, cancer, etc.