Category | n | Sugars (g), mean±SD (range) | Category | n | Energy (kcal), mean±SD (range) |
Own label | 290 | 36.3±7.4 (11.3–61.0) | Own label | 290 | 404±35 (273–502) |
Branded | 91 | 37.7±8.4 (19.2–62.0) | Branded | 91 | 414±42 (288–500) |
Descending order | |||||
Battenberg | 4 | 56.4±7.3 (46.0–62.0) | Plain with chocolate | 5 | 446±16 (421–457) |
Genoa | 4 | 45.9±3.7 (42.5–50.0) | Chocolate cake bar | 5 | 445±41 (376–484) |
Red velvet | 7 | 44.2±4.2 (38.3–51.9) | Cupcake/fairy cakes | 19 | 440±41 (380–502) |
Lemon Swiss roll | 4 | 43.5±4.3 (39.0–49.4) | Coffee and walnut | 6 | 433±22 (403–460) |
Chocolate cake bar | 5 | 43.3±1.6 (41.2–44.7) | Red velvet | 7 | 433±27 (411–489) |
Ginger | 4 | 41.7±7.0 (36.3–51.7) | Chocolate | 42 | 430±21 (365–475) |
Cupcake/fairy cakes | 19 | 41.5±9.2 (25.0–54.7) | Brownies | 5 | 430±23 (406–454) |
Fruit Swiss roll | 13 | 41.0±5.4 (34.2–51.8) | White Chocolate | 6 | 423±12 (402–436) |
Coconut | 4 | 40.7±5.3 (33.0–45.0) | Chocolate Swiss roll | 18 | 420±36 (366–500) |
Iced Madeira | 7 | 40.4±5.4 (36.7–52.0) | Chocolate muffins | 18 | 416±21 (369–475) |
Brownies | 5 | 39.5±6.2 (32.8–46.4) | Coconut | 4 | 416±36 (394–470) |
Fruit | 17 | 39.0±8.6 (21.7–56.9) | Walnut | 6 | 405±11 (395–426) |
Chocolate Swiss roll | 18 | 38.1±7.5 (24.1–50.0) | Iced Madeira | 7 | 405±20 (391–445) |
Victoria | 18 | 38.1±8.9 (23.4–59.2) | Coffee | 5 | 403±19 (391–435) |
Coffee and walnut | 6 | 37.7±3.6 (32.9–42.3) | Victoria | 18 | 402±36 (346–456) |
Fruited Madeira | 6 | 37.6±3.0 (34.8–42.3) | Battenberg | 4 | 401±22 (375–421) |
Bakewell | 4 | 37.6±4.6 (34.7–44.4) | Angel | 12 | 398±16 (378–420) |
Lemon | 21 | 37.0±5.6 (21.8–45.4) | Bakewell | 4 | 397±41 (335–422) |
Carrot | 16 | 36.8±4.7 (29.2–45.7) | Almond | 5 | 396±16 (379–411) |
White chocolate | 6 | 36.6±2.7 (33.0–41.2) | Lemon | 21 | 394±22 (358–439) |
Almond | 5 | 36.2±2.3 (32.4–37.7) | Carrot | 16 | 389±20 (323–415) |
Angel | 12 | 36.0±2.7 (33.0–40.0) | Madeira | 9 | 387±9 (367–395) |
Chocolate | 42 | 35.5±4.7 (25.0–44.4) | Ginger | 4 | 383±20 (362–406) |
Coffee | 5 | 35.1±9.4 (19.0–41.6) | Fruited Madeira | 6 | 380±51 (347–484) |
Walnut | 6 | 32.8±2.4 (28.0–34.3) | Blueberry muffins | 6 | 378±28 (331–408) |
Chocolate muffins | 18 | 30.5±2.8 (27.0–36.3) | Lemon Swiss roll | 4 | 375±34 (349–425) |
Madeira | 9 | 29.3±3.8 (23.4–34.2) | Fruit | 17 | 367±39 (273–449) |
Plain with chocolate | 5 | 27.0±3.2 (24.0–32.0) | Fruit Swiss roll | 13 | 365±36 (301–422) |
Blueberry muffins | 6 | 24.6±1.4 (23.0–27.0) | Genoa | 4 | 356±16 (344–380) |
All products | 381 | 36.6±7.6 (11.3–62.0) | All products | 381 | 406±37 (273–502) |