Table 1

Distribution of 3309 patients, 1656 men and 1653 women admitted with stroke to hospitals in Surrey between January 2014 and February 2016

NProportion (%)
On admission
 Men (73.1±13.2 years):Women (79.3±13.0 years)1656:165350.0:50.0
 First stroke/TIA:Recurrent stroke/TIA2543:76676.9:23.1
 Ischaemic stroke:Haemorrhagic stroke2758:51883.3:15.7
 Ischaemic stroke thrombolysis
 Yes:No:Not suitable
History of AF and anticoagulation and antiplatelet status
 History of AF:No history of AF666:264320.1:79.9
 Anticoagulant treatment status of patients with AF history—Yes:No:Not suitable302:279:8545.3:41.9:12.8
 Antiplatelet treatment status of patients with AF history—Yes:No:Not suitable274:320:7241.1:40.0:10.8
 CHADS2 score in patients with history of AF
 New AF:No previous history171:26436.5
On discharge
All patients with stroke
 Patients with AF on discharge55416.7
 Anticoagulation for AF on discharge49288.8
 No anticoagulation for AF on discharge10.2
 Anticoagulation not suitable for AF6111.0
Patients with ischaemic stroke only
 Patients with AF on discharge50118.2
 No anticoagulation for AF on discharge10.2
 Anticoagulation for AF on discharge46091.8
 Anticoagulation not suitable for AF408.0
  • All data were complete except a diagnosis of ischaemic or haemorrhagic stroke in 33 (1.0%) patients.

  • AF, atrial fibrillation; CHADS2, congestive heart failure, hypertension, age, stroke/TIA; TIA, transient ischaemic attack.