Table 1

Strengths and limitations of quality assessment measures

Process measure of qualityStrengthsLimitationsAssessment level
Unannounced standardised patientStandardised, controlling for case-mix and patient- mix;
Unannounced, no Hawthorne effect (if not be detected);
Reduced recall bias
Limited medical conditions
First-visit bias
Selection bias if informed consent is required
Action (Do)
Gold standard
Clinical vignettesCost-effective;
Suitable for large scale and cross-system comparison;
Covering all illnesses;
Accounting for case-mix and patient-mix.
Hawthorne effect
Selection bias
Competence (Know how)
Overestimating care quality (best answers) or similar
Virtual patientsInteractive
Real-time response and automatic record
Highly standardised
Scalability and low marginal cost
Efficient delivery: anytime, anywhere Suitable for large scale study
Hawthorne effect
Selection bias
High cost in initial development
Performance (Show how)