Table 3

Baseline characteristics, n=27

Baseline characteristics
Age (years)
 Mean (SD), range13.7 (2.7), 9–18
 8–15, n (%)18 (66.6%)
 16–19, n (%)9 (33.3%)
Sex, n (%)
 Boys13 (48.1)
 Girls14 (51.9)
 White British, n (%)26 (96.3)
 Other white background1 (3.7)
Current status
 School, n (%)27 (100)
 Part-time/full-time work, n (%)5 (18.5)
Body region consulted about (>1 site could be reported)
Chest pain1
Spine (eg, cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine), n7
 Low back4
Lower limb23
 Gluteal region2
Upper limb4
Duration of current pain, n (%) (weeks)
 <11 (4.2)
  1–61 (4.2)
 >1222 (91.7)
Taken time off school for current MSK condition
 Yes, n (%), duration (%)7 (25.9), <1 week 100%
Current pain intensity (0–10 NRS), mean (SD), range2.8 (2.7), 0–8
Usual pain intensity over last 7 days (0–10 NRS), mean (SD), range4.3 (2.1), 0–7
Bothersomeness, n (%): not at all7 (25.9)
 Slightly2 (7.4)
 Moderately14 (51.9)
 Very much4 (14.8)
 Extremely0 (0)
FDI*, mean (SD), range10.7 (8.2), 0–29
 No/mild disability (score≤12)17 (63)
 Moderate disability (score 13–29)10 (37)
 Severe disability (score≥30)0 (0)
 Physical well-being, mean T-value (SD)43.3 (7.9)
 Psychological well-being, mean T-value (SD)45.8 (6.8)
 Autonomy and parent relations, mean T-value (SD)50.8 (8.3)
 Social support and peers, mean T-value (SD)50.4 (12.0)
 School environment, mean T-value (SD)48.5 (8.2)
  • *FDI sores range from 0 to 60, with higher scores indicating greater functional disability.

  • †UK National Norm data mean 50 (SD 10). High, average or low quality of life for each subscale was determined by mean of the reference group±half the reference SD as described in the KIDSCREEN manual.

  • FDI, functional disability index; MSK, musculoskeletal; NRS, numerical rating scale.