Table 1

Baseline data collection

 Date of birthOpen response
 Ethnic category national coding56Select most appropriate response option(s)
 School/work situation (three questions: school/training, part-time/full-time work, not in any type of work or education)Yes/no response
 Satisfaction with school/work/collegeFour response options (‘very satisfied’ to ‘very dissatisfied’)
 Screen time57Six response options (‘none’ to ‘>5 hours’)
 Physical activity.57 In the past week, the number of times per day you have done a total of 30 min or more of physical activityFive response options (‘<1 time/day’ to ‘>5 times/day’)
 Other health problems/illnesses (12 conditions and 2 open response)
Location of other bodily pains recorded on body chart
Details about the consultation for the musculoskeletal condition
 Location of pain for consultation58Body chart
 Is this pain still present?
 Duration of other bodily pains
 Is this the first episode of pain?
Yes/no response
Four response options (‘<1 week’ to ‘>12 weeks’)
Yes/no response
 Mechanism of injuryFour response options (accident/injury; gradual onset with no injury; sudden onset with no injury; do not know/unable to recall)
 Treatment provided: medications, advice/education, referral to healthcare professional, imaging referral (yes/no with free text to capture details)Yes/no response+additional open response
Pain outcomes
 Pain intensity:
 Current pain34
 Usual pain intensity over last 7 days34
NRS (0–10 scale)
 Bothersomeness35Five response options (‘not at all’ to ‘extremely’)
 Visual pain trajectories59Seven graphical response options indicating differing pain patterns. Select option that best reflects their pain experience.
Psychological outcomes
 Child self-efficacy scale60Seven items, five responses (‘very sure’ to ‘very unsure’)
 Single items from Fear of Pain Questionnaire61Three items, three responses ("I do not agree", "I am not sure", "I agree with this")
Functional/activity limitation
 Paediatric pain screening tool62Nine items, eight items (‘agree’ or ‘disagree’), one item five response options (‘not at all’ to ‘a whole lot’)
 FDI63Fifteen items, five response options (‘no trouble’ to ‘impossible’)
 Chronic pain grade scale: 0–10 interference with usual activities64 65Numerical rating scale (0–10 scale)
 Quality: trouble falling asleep, waking in the night, trouble staying asleep, waking feeling tired and worn out66
Usual bed/wake time
Four items, three response options (‘not at all’, ‘on some nights’, ‘on most nights’)
Health-related quality of life (HRQoL)
 KIDSCREEN-2740: five domains: physical activities and health, general mood and feelings about yourself, family and free time, friends, school and learningTwenty-seven items, five response options (‘not at all’ to ’extremely’). Higher score=higher HRQoL
Interview acceptability
 Ease of interviewFive response options (‘very difficult’ to ‘very easy’)
 Acceptability of interview durationThree response options (‘too short’, ‘just right’, ‘too long’)
 Willingness to participate in future researchThree response options (‘yes’, ‘maybe’, ‘no’)
 Preferences for research involvement:
 Frequency of contact
 Method of contact, seven options
Six response options (‘daily’ to ‘monthly’, option of free text)
Yes/no response to each
CAM-Pain 6-week follow-up preferences
 Follow-up preferencesThree response options (‘phone’, ‘email’, ‘mail’)
  • CAM-Pain, child and adolescent musculoskeletal pain; FDI, functional disability inventory; NRS, numerical rating scale.