Table 1

Sociodemographic characteristics of urban and rural 25–74 year-old participants from the Yangon Region, Myanmar

Urban (n=693) N (%)Rural (n=679) N (%)Total (n=1372) N (%)P values*
 Male339 (48.9)342 (50.4)681 (49.6)
 Female354 (51.1)337 (49.6)691 (50.4)
Age group, years0.005
 25–34123 (17.8)136 (20.0)259 (18.9)
 35–44144 (20.8)172 (25.3)316 (23.0)
 45–54160 (23.1)167 (24.6)327 (23.8)
 55–64164 (23.7)142 (20.9)306 (22.3)
 65–74102 (14.7)62 (9.1)164 (12.0)
Education level0.000
 No formal education18 (2.6)68 (10.0)86 (6.3)
 Primary education189 (27.4)452 (66.6)641 (46.8)
 Secondary education301 (43.4)122 (17.9)423 (30.8)
 Higher education185 (26.6)37 (5.5)222 (16.2)
Daily income† (n=1293), USD/day0.000
 <1.9296 (42.7)447 (65.8)743 (54.2)
 1.9–3.09141 (20.4)111 (16.4)252 (18.4)
 ≥3.1197 (28.4)101 (14.9)298 (21.7)
Current smoker0.001
 Yes126 (18.2)178 (26.2)304 (22.2)
 No567 (81.8)501 (73.8)1068 (77.8)
Current alcohol drinker0.014
 Yes91 (13.1)125 (18.4)216 (15.7)
 No602 (86.9)554 (81.6)1156 (84.3)
Physical activity, MET/week0.370
 >600604 (87.2)605 (89.1)1209 (88.1)
 <60089 (12.8)74 (10.9)163 (11.9)
Fruit and vegetable consumption, servings/day0.000
 ≥5118 (17.0)20 (2.9)1 (10.1)
 <5575 (83.0)657 (97.1)1232 (89.9)
Body mass index0.000
 Overweight214 (31.0)160 (23.6)374 (27.3)
 Obesity94 (13.6)50 (7.4)144 (10.5)
Central obesity0.543
 Yes262 (37.8)245 (36.1)507 (36.9)
 No431 (62.2)434 (63.9)432 (63.1)
  • 2 and nptrend.

  • †79 missing due to refusal to answer.

  • MET, metabolic equivalent task.