Table 3

Topic schedule for the patient and staff, preintervention and postintervention interviews

Patient preintervention interview questionsPatient 6-month postintervention interview questionsStaff preintervention interview questionsStaff 6-month postintervention interview questions
What does the term complex pain mean to you?What does the term complex pain mean to you?What does the term complex pain mean to you?What does the term complex pain mean to you?
Tell me a little bit about your painHow would you describe you experience with the complex pain team (CPT)?What training have you had in the management of pain?How have you found working alongside the CPT?
Where have you received treatment for your pain in the past?What did the CPT do well?Tell me about some experiences that you have had managing patients with complex painWhat have you gained from the CPT?
Can you remember which type of healthcare professionals you saw?What could the CPT do better?What do you find difficult about managing patients with complex pain?What formal or informal education regarding pain have you been exposed to over the last 6 months?
What do you understand by the term specialist services?How has the CPT impacted on your life since leaving hospital?Do you feel that you have adequate support to look after patients with complex pain?What aspects of the service could we improve for you and for patients?
Have you been referred to a pain specialist in the past and if so how easy was it to get an appointment?How does your experience with the CPT compare to other pain teams that have treated you?Who would you consult for advice regarding a patient with complex pain?Are there any other services that you think the CPT should offer?
Do you feel your pain needs have been met?Were there any other benefits of the CPT while you were in hospital?What training would you like to help you manage patients with complex pain?How have you found the referral process to the CPT?
Tell me about any treatments that you have had in the past for your pain?Have there been any changes to your regular prescriptions since being treated by the CPT?What would you like to gain from the CPT?What involvement did the CPT have in the discharge of patients?
What has worked particularly well for your pain in the past?Have your attitudes towards strong opiate-based medications changed since being treated by the CPT?Have your attitudes towards strong opiate-based medications changed since being treated by the CPT?
Tell me about your previous experiences of pain teams when you have been an inpatient.Have there been any unexpected benefits of working with the CPT?