Table 1

Baseline characteristics by CO allocation

Questionnaire characteristicValid nCare farm (all sites n =134)Mean* or per cent† (95% CI)   difference between CO allocationDifference in categories between CO allocation (p value)‡
No (n=84)Yes (n=50)
 Age at recruitment*13432 (25.5, 41)33 (25, 41)1 (–3.57 to 5.57)
 Gender: female13437 (44.1)2 (4)<0.001
IMD: quintiles within cohort
  1—most deprived13222 (26.2)5 (10.4)0.08
  216 (19.1)10 (20.8)
  312 (14.3)15 (31.3)
  416 (19.1)10 (20.8)
  5—least deprived18 (21.4)8 (16.7)
 IMD: English quintiles
  1—most deprived13239 (46.4)22 (45.8)0.83
  218 (21.4)11 (22.9)
  311 (13.1)9 (18.8)
  49 (10.7)4 (8.3)
  5—least deprived7 (8.3)2 (4.2)
 Employment status: full-time employed, self-employed, education or training13020 (25)13 (26)0.5
  Part time employed or self-employed13 (16.3)4 (8)
  Unemployed or unable to work32 (40)25 (50)
  Other15 (18.8)8 (16)
  Ethnic group: white British13457 (67.9)44 (88)0.07
  White: other3 (3.6)2 (4)
  Asian or Asian British5 (6)1 (2)
  Black or black British11 (13.1)1 (2)
  Other or mixed8 (9.5)2 (4)
 Probation type: CRC13466 (78.6)42 (84)0.5
  NPS18 (21.4)8 (16)
 Outcomes from questionnaires
 CORE-OM score*937.1 (3.8, 12.1)7.4 (3.5, 15.15)0.3 (–4.1 to 4.7)
 WEMWBS score*12452 (44, 57)51 (43, 55)−1 (−6.9 to 4.9)
 Connected to Nature Score*1303.67 (2.67, 4.17)3.415 (2.83, 4.17)−0.34 (–0.76 to 0.08)
 Health and lifestyle questions
 Number of days of >30 min physical activity in the last week†1254 (1, 7)4 (3, 7)9.81 (–9.04 to 32.58)
 Used substances during the past 4 weeks: yes12218 (24)22 (46.8)0.01
 Number of days out of last seven drank alcohol†1032 (0, 3)2 (0, 4)18.43 (–24.04 to 84.66)
 Smoker: yes13347 (56.6)39 (78)0.02
 Healthy foods are enjoyable: strongly agree13143 (52.4)13 (26.5)0.003
  Agree29 (35.4)18 (36.7)
  Neither agree nor disagree9 (11)14 (28.6)
  Disagree0 (0)2 (4.1)
  Strongly disagree1 (1.2)2 (4.1)