Table 2

Reduced and categorised list of caregiver generated challenges and item means

ItemOriginal item number prior to item reduction*Mean rating of challenge importance (1–10)Participants who rated the item (n)
Physical health concerns
 Experiencing fatigue and physical exhaustion3, 846.38
 Having trouble sleeping85.02
 Taking care of my healthNot applicable†
Financial problems and work or employment problems
 Balancing caregiving and demands associated with my job26.02
 Having to take days off from work due to caregiving responsibilities1, 634.38
 Managing the cost of drugs and medical care308.52
 Managing loss of income due to my care recipient’s inability to work31, 726.48
Role strain
 Balancing caregiving and other family responsibilities106.52
 Managing last minute changes due to the unpredictability of the disease643.86
 Having to do all of the winter chores alone due to my care recipient’s sensitivity to cold temperatures79, 805.06
 Having to handle all of the household chores on my own456.05
 Being unable to help address my care recipient’s pain or discomfort54.02
 Finding time for myself11, 175.52
 Having to learn new skills and abilities because my care recipient can no longer do certain tasks764.36
 Having to make difficult medical decisions515.05
Information, resources and support needs
 Not having information about how to be a good caregiver379.02
 Not being able to find any answers as to why my care-recipient got scleroderma288.52
 Not having access to a caregiver support group3610.02
 Not knowing other people who understand what I’m going through389.02
 Navigating healthcare issues while travelling757.06
 Planning trips and excursions while managing limitations, such as needing wheelchair access or other considerations736.06
 Having difficulty finding reliable and accurate information about scleroderma20, 876.48
 Having difficulty understanding important information about scleroderma and its treatment21, 545.17
 Having difficulty helping my care recipient gain access to knowledgeable health providers22, 237.52
 Navigating the medical system248.02
 Interacting with medical, insurance and social service agencies to address the needs of my care recipient29, 42, 61, 625.57
 Interacting with health professionals who are not knowledgeable about scleroderma47, 555.45
 Managing rushed, inconsiderate or insensitive behaviour from health professionals48, 525.15
 Trying to find useful devices to help my care recipient with activities of daily living824.06
 Finding assistance for things that my care recipient used to do195.02
Fear, anxiety and uncertainty
 Being fearful that I will be left alone278.52
 Constantly worrying about my care recipient’s limitations435.85
 Feeling uncertain about the progression of my care recipient’s scleroderma16, 898.08
General emotional difficulties
 Feeling helpless127.02
 Feeling hopeless133.02
 Managing my negative emotions towards my care recipient74.02
 Managing my stress and relaxing97.52
 Managing my negative emotions868.26
 Guilt about leaving my care recipient alone326.52
 Feeling ashamed to think about my own well-being or needsNot applicable†
Emotional difficulties of the care recipient
 Understanding the emotional needs of my care recipient66, 678.06
 Knowing what to do about my care recipient’s guilt835.56
 Providing emotional support to my care recipient on challenging days658.06
 Managing resentment from my care recipient towards me64.02
 Managing my care recipient’s anger about having scleroderma504.25
 Managing my care recipient’s feelings of depression574.05
 Managing my care recipient’s thoughts of ending her or his life603.05
 Managing the disappointment or frustration of my care recipient when she or he cannot take part in activities816.56
Changes in relationship dynamics with care recipient
 Understanding when my help isn’t wanted or needed39, 445.75
 Helping my care recipient set reasonable limits on activities that have become difficult due to scleroderma406.45
 Providing needed help when my care recipient doesn’t want it or resists it58, 715.911
 Being patient with the care recipientNot applicable†
 Finding the balance between interfering and providing care68, 776.86
 Helping my care recipient feel useful despite her or his physical limitations595.85
 Feeling a sense of loss because of activities we can no longer do together4, 155.82
 Accommodating my care recipient’s diet restrictions when we eat out854.26
 Discussing emotions or worries concerning scleroderma with my care recipientNot applicable†
 Dealing with loss of physical intimacy with my care recipientNot applicable†
Changes in social interactions
 Noticing others’ lack of knowledge and awareness about scleroderma14, 25, 269.22
 Managing social limitations, such as missing events or having to leave events early695.76
 Enjoying myself when spending time with friends without my care recipientNot applicable†
  • *items from original lists available in online supplementary appendix S3.

  • †item generated from Scleroderma Caregiver Advisory Team.