Topic theme | Number of questions submitted |
Medication | 50 |
Diabetes care | 46 |
Access | 32 |
Education and training | 29 |
Communication | 28 |
Patient records | 14 |
Workforce and capacity | 13 |
Continuity of care | 10 |
Governance | 9 |
Multimorbidity | 7 |
Foot care | 7 |
Reception | 6 |
Harm | 6 |
Out of hours care | 6 |
Patient awareness of patient safety | 6 |
Hygiene | 6 |
Interface | 5 |
Blood tests | 5 |
Diagnosis | 5 |
Treatment | 5 |
NICE guidance | 4 |
Dispensing | 4 |
Appointment time | 3 |
Disability | 3 |
Information | 3 |
Long-term condition management | 3 |
Pain | 3 |
Risk assessment | 3 |
Multidisciplinary teams | 2 |
Holistic views of patients | 2 |
Understanding patient safety | 2 |
Implementation of research or guidelines | 2 |
Coordination of care | 2 |
Confidentiality | 2 |
Cost of safety | 2 |
Intervention development | 2 |
Knowledge | 2 |
Mental health | 2 |
Annual follow-up | 2 |
Patient experience | 2 |
Medical errors | 2 |
Identifying people at risk of suicide | 1 |
Care Quality Commission | 1 |
Definition of patient safety | 1 |
Dementia | 1 |
Diet | 1 |
NHS changes | 1 |
Dental infection | 1 |
Condition awareness | 1 |
Consultation | 1 |
Contextual approaches to safety | 1 |
Errors | 1 |
Geographical differences | 1 |
Health and social care development | 1 |
Impact of patient safety awareness | 1 |
Integrated approach to safety | 1 |
Locum doctors | 1 |
Minor injuries | 1 |
Models of care | 1 |
Obesity | 1 |
Patient engagement with healthcare | 1 |
Palliative care | 1 |
Patient role in safety | 1 |
Physical safety | 1 |
Polypharmacy | 1 |
Population versus personalised care | 1 |
Patient and public involvement | 1 |
Prescription | 1 |
Prevention of issues | 1 |
Priorities | 1 |
Quality improvement | 1 |
Referrals | 1 |
Regional care | 1 |
Resources | 1 |
Review appointments | 1 |
Safety boundaries | 1 |
Safety causing other issues | 1 |
Safer care at home | 1 |
Service changes | 1 |
Technology | 1 |
Test results | 1 |
Transferability of patient safety initiatives | 1 |
Violent patient management | 1 |
Yellow Card scheme | 1 |
NHS, National Health Service; NICE, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.