Table 3

Components of data-extraction form

Data to be extractedSpecific Items to be extracted
Article descriptionAuthors
Article title
Year of publication
Study settingStudy type
Study design
Region (sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa, Southeast Asia, etc)
Setting (eg, rural/urban)
Theoretical/conceptual frameworkIs there a theoretical or conceptual framework used?
If yes, what is it?
How do results and discussions relate to the theoretical or conceptual framework?
Intervention descriptionType of mHealth tool use (mobile phone, smart phone, PDA, tablet)
Format of intervention (unidirectional or bidirectional messaging, voice messages, application)
Description of intervention implementation
Participant characteristicsTarget group (women, men, grandmothers, etc)
Educational level
Is a group described or an individual?
Geared towards pregnant women or pregnant women plus?
Community/groups within community?
Pregnant or prepartum/post partum?
Intervention delivery
Study measures and analysisSampling and recruitment procedure
Data collection
Research tools
Analysis methods
Outcomes measuredMaternal or reproductive health knowledge
Maternal or reproductive health-seeking attitudes
Perceptions of maternal or reproductive healthcare
Maternal or reproductive health-seeking behaviours
ResultsFindings attributable to mHealth interventions
Authors interpretations/conclusionsQuality of evidence
Reviewers’ commentsEquity/sustainability effects
Implementation modalities
Implementation challenges/bottlenecks
  • mHealth, mobile health; PDA, personal digital assistant.