Table 1

Responses from the 15-item questionnaire for breast cancer awareness (n=2978)

Do you know breast cancer?
Do you think screening is helpful for early detection of breast cancer?
Do you think the early detection of breast cancer can improve survival?
Knowledge about breast symptoms
 Local discomfort in breast
  Don’t know117639.5
 Lump in breast
  Don’t know95332.0
 Axillary nodes
  Don’t know156152.4
 Nipple retraction
  Don’t know169156.8
 Nipple discharge liquid
  Don’t know169156.8
Related factors of breast cancer
 Menarche at age before 12
  Don’t know208870.1
 No parity or late childbirth
  Don’t know188063.1
 Menopause at a late age
  Don’t know206269.2
 Long-time drinking
  Don’t know194765.4
 High-fat diets
  Don’t know194765.4
 Long-term use of oestrogen drugs
  Don’t know175258.8
 Family history of breast cancer
  Don’t know89530.1
 Awareness of breast cancer
  Highly aware59520.0
  Poorly aware238380.0