Table 2

Description of intervention components and intensity

Number Frequency Duration
Who delivered the intervention?
A. Studies comparing one intervention with usual care
Low intensity
 Chang25 Three 3-min films demonstrating ‘behaviours central to promoting child development’ shown as women waited for 3, 6, 9, 12 and 18 month vaccine visits, followed by group discussions with a community health worker. Cards given to reinforce messages, plus picture book at 9 and 12 months and puzzle at 18 months.5
Every 3-6 months
Over 15 months
Health professionals
 Christakis27 Parents were sent two sets of building blocks with accompanying newsletters containing suggested activities in the post.2
3 months
No contact with families postrecruitment
 High44 Paediatricians gave books, handouts and ‘literacy promoting anticipatory guidance’ to parents at routine well-child visits.5
Every 3 months
Over 12 months
Health professionals
 Hiscock23 45 46 ‘Universal anticipatory guidance’ with strategies for behavioural difficulties: handout at 8 months; two 2-hour group sessions at 12 and 15 months.3
Every 3-4 months
Over 7 months
Health professionals
 Wiggins61 62
 Intervention 2
Access given to mothers to community group support that already existed and which provided drop in sessions and/or telephone support and/or home visits (different services provided by each of the 8 groups who agreed to take part in the study); participants selected whether to make contact and attend groups.VariableOther professionals
Moderate intensity
 Cheng26 Five one-to-one home visits of one hour ‘aimed at improving the quality of mother-infant relationship’; tailored encouragement and advice given following observation of mothers playing with infants.5
Over 5 months
Health professionals
 Feinberg37–40 Four prenatal and four postnatal interactive group sessions, designed ‘to enhance coparenting’.8
Every 6 weeks
Over 11 months
Mix of health and other professionals
 Niccols54 Eight 2-hour group sessions using a ‘coping modeling problem solving approach’, to enhance caregiver skills in ‘reading infant cues and responding sensitively’ plus homework.8
Over 2 months
Other professionals
 Niccols55 Eight 2-hour group sessions, using a ‘coping modeling problem solving approach’, to train parents on effective parenting styles and strategies, plus homework.8
Over 2 months
Other professionals
 Santelices56 Six 2-hour group sessions during pregnancy on ‘maternal sensitivity…and to promote the development of a secure and healthy bond between mother and child’, and 4-hour long one-to-one sessions postpartum to observe interactions and give feedback.10
Over 16 months
Other professionals
 Tsiantis57 58 Primary healthcare workers trained to use a semistructured interview technique during six to eight routine visits to discuss age-appropriate child development topics.6-8
Over 36 months
Health professionals
 Wiggins61 62
 Intervention 1
Supportive home visits conducted postnatally by five very experienced health visitors, adapted to each woman’s needs to address her concerns and questions12
Over 12 months
Health professionals
High intensity
 Cupples28 Trained peer mentors provided one-to-one support on ‘health-related’ topics via home visit or phone call22
Every 2-4 weeks
Over 17 months
Peer mentors
 Drotar36 One-to-one home visits; monthly parent group sessions; annual developmental and health screening; access to resource network27
Every 2-4 weeks
Over 36 months
Other professionals
 Griffith41 12 2-hour group sessions including watching videos, group discussions and role play to help understand and manage child behaviour; homework tasks to complete.12
Over 3 months
Mix of health and other professionals
 Miller50 30-60 min monthly home visit by a Lifestart family visitor and a monthly magazine (‘Growing Child’) of age-appropriate activities35
Over 36 months
Other professionals
 Minkovitz51–53 Enhanced well-child care (12 visits, including access to Reach Out and Read literacy programme); 6 home visits in 3 years; telephone line; developmental screening; written guidance; monthly parent groups; links to community resources16
Over 36 months
Mix of health and other professionals
 Wagner59 60 Monthly home visits and parent group meetings to provide information on child development and demonstrate age-appropriate activities. Periodic developmental screening and, if needed, referrals to community services provided.24
Over 24 months
Other professionals
B. Studies comparing two interventions with each other
 1: Low intensity
Three individual 45-min sessions where mother observed a NBAS and discussed findings with a paediatrician (including exploring the caregiving that might promote the mother-child relationship)3
At 3, 14 and 30 days old
Health professionals
 2: Low intensity
Three individual 45-min sessions, where mother discussed her perceptions of motherhood and concerns with a paediatrician and was given feedback about an NBAS that was conducted in a different room.3At 3, 14 and 30 days old
 1: Moderate intensity
Parents taught a positioning and handling programme during a home visit by a physiotherapist to be completed for 15 min daily for 3 weeks.Six assessment home visits also completed. Caregivers given manual and a session diary.6Every 2 weeksOver 3 monthsIntervention delivered by parents after training
 2: Moderate intensity
Parents asked to engage their child in 15 min of face-to-face interaction daily for 3 weeks. This group also had 6 assessment visits.6Every 2 weeksOver 3 months
 1: Moderate intensity
Access to a support worker; annual packs containing toys and books (worth €100); facilitated access to 1 year of preschool; stress control and healthy eating sessions
VariableVariableOver 36+Other professionals months
 2: High intensity
Home visits from a trained mentor; tip sheets; Triple P Positive Parenting group sessions; baby massage; annual packs containing toys and books (worth €100); facilitated access to one year of preschool; stress control and healthy eating sessions
VariableWeeklyOver 36+ months
 Intervention 1:High intensity
Enhanced well-child care (six visits, including Reach Out and Read literacy programme); six home visits in 3 years; telephone line; developmental screening; written guidance; monthly parent groups; links to community resourcesVariableMonthlyOver 36+ monthsHealth professionals
 Intervention 2:High intensity
As above, plus three additional home visits during second half of pregnancyVariableMonthlyOver 36+ months
 Intervention 1:High intensity
Playing and Learning Strategies: one-to-one home visits of 1.5 hours to discuss the child’s current development and behaviour, feedback on videotaped interactions with child; and planning with mothers of how to increase their ’responsive' behaviours10WeeklyOver 3 monthsOther professionals
 Intervention 2:High intensity
Developmental assessment screening: one-to-one home visits of 1.5 hours consisting of developmental screening and discussions on child development. Handouts on common issues (eg, sleep, feeding) given.10WeeklyOver 3 months
  • *1=one-to-one home visits; 2=one-to-one clinic visits; 3=group sessions; 4=handouts; 5=activities to perform at home; 6=developmental screening; 7=toys and/or books;8=telephone support; 9=access to community resources; 10=other.

  • NBAS, Neonatal Behavioral Assessment.