Table 2

Summary characteristics of the host RCTs and hypothetical host RCTs in this review

Trial characteristicReal RCTs
Hypothetical RCTs
Clinical setting
 Critical care9110
Type of interventions
Trial design
 Main RCT/pilot RCT65/3n/a65/3
 Two groups/more than two groups63/511/274/7
No of centres†
 Single centre/multicentre/unknown3/63/20/4/93/67/11
 <20 centres18
 20–100 centres33
 >100 centres15
 Median no of centres (range)45
No of participants†
 Median no of participants (range)624
(4–58 050)
  • *One recruitment paper included data from 32 stroke host RCTs.

  • †Hypothetical RCT data did not include information beyond single or multicentre, nor the suggested number of participants.

  • RCT, randomised controlled trial.