Table 1

Schedule of participant assessments

PreinterventionIntervention phaseFollow-up phase
ScreeningBaselineEach sessionMid-treatmentPost-treatment
Inclusion/exclusion criteria
Informed consent
Demographics (eg, age, education, employment and marital status)
Clinical history (eg, family history of mood disorder, age at onset and number of affective episodes)
Client Services Receipt Inventory
SCID (lifetime/12 months)
Brief Quality of Lifebipolar disorder
Bipolar Recovery Questionnaire
SCID-LIFE (3 months)
Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (21-item version)
The Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (v.3.1)
The Five Facet Mindfulness QuestionnaireShort Form
The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (v2)
The Valuing Questionnaire
Positive Urgency Measure
UPPS Impulsive Behaviour Scale Urgency Subscale
The Self-Control Schedule
The Medication Adherence Rating Scale
EuroQol five dimensions’ questionnaire
The Group Session Rating Scale
  • LIFE, The Longitudinal Interval Follow-Up Evaluation; SCID, The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM­-V disorders; UPPS, urgency, premeditation, perseverance and sensation seeking.