Table 2

Characteristics of participants and child absenteeism, academic achievement and repetition of the school year

Exposure variables at the age of 7/8 yearsChild school absenteeism at the end of 2014/2015 academic yearChild academic achievement at the end of 2014/2015 academic yearChild grade repetition status at the end of 2014/2015 academic year
Median (25th, 75th percentiles)Mean (SD)Class repeatedPromoted to next grade
 5 (2, 11)62.5 (9.21)n (%)n (%)
 25 (2.4)1029 (97.6)
Parental characteristics
 Maternal age in years, mean (SD)34 (6.00)34 (6.00)
 Literacy (mother)Non-literate2 (5, 12)62.5 (9.29)22 (88.0)900 (87.9)
 Literacy (father)Non-literate3 (6, 14)61.3 (9.23)13 (54.2)351 (35.8)
 Maternal marital statusMonogamous2 (5, 12)62.8 (9.34)19 (76.0)824 (81.4)
Polygamous2 (4, 9)61.1 (8.91)5 (20.0)140 (13.8)
Divorced, widowed, separated1 (4, 6)62.1 (8.13)1 (4.0)48 (4.7)
Socioeconomic status
 Current hungerHad hunger2 (5, 11)62.1 (7.75)1 (4.0)44 (4.3)
 Emergency resourceHad no emergency resource2 (5, 11)62.1 (9.07)9 (36.0)288 (28.1)
 Roof materialsThatched3 (6, 14)62.8 (9.65)17 (68.0)524 (51.2)
Psychosocial characteristics
 Paternal substance useWeekly khat use2 (5, 12)62.3 (9.24)16 (66.7)791 (82.4)
Weekly alcohol use1 (3.5, 7)64.6 (9.42)6 (25.0)150 (15.6)
 Negative life event in the last 6 monthsNo life event2 (5, 12)62.5 (9.14)20 (80.0)775 (75.6)
One life event2 (4, 9)62.8 (9.84)3 (12.5)180 (17.6)
Two or more2 (3, 8)61.2 (8.21)2 (8.0)68 (6.6)
Child characteristics
 Childbirth orderFirst2 (4.5, 14)62.8 (8.87)5 (20.0)136 (13.3)
Middle or last2 (5, 11)62.5 (9.26)20 (80.0)887 (86.7)
 Sex of the childBoy2 (5, 12)62.6 (9.23)15 (60.0)528 (51.6)
 Child nutritional statusStunted (height-for-age z score<−2)2 (5, 12)62.5 (9.20)6 (24.0)233 (23.0)