Table 2

Explanatory variables from the Our Health Counts study survey

VariableQuestionResponse optionSurvey question
Access to healthcareDuring the past 12 months, have you experienced any of the following barriers to receiving healthcare?1. Doctor not available in my area
2. Nurse not available
3. Lack of trust in healthcare provider
4. Waiting list too long
5. Unable to arrange transportation
6. Difficulty getting traditional care (ie, healer, medicine person or elder)
7. Not covered by non-insured health benefits (NIHB)
8. Prior approval for services under NIHB was declined
9. Could not afford direct cost of care/service
10. Could not afford transportation costs
11. Could not afford childcare costs
12. Felt healthcare provided was inadequate
13. Felt service was not culturally appropriate
14. Chose not to see health professional
15. Service was not available in my area
Section 4.C.3
Access to food in the last 12 monthsWhich of the following best describes the food eaten in your household in the past 12 months:1. You and others always had enough of the kinds of food you wanted to eat.
2. You and others had enough to eat, but not always the kinds of food you wanted.
3. Sometimes you or others did not have enough to eat.
4. Often you or others did not have enough to eat.
5. Don’t know
6. No response
Section 1.C.2
Access to housingHow many times have you moved in the past 5 years?Number of timesSection 1.B.4
IncomeFor the year ending 31 December 2008, please think of your total personal income, before deductions, from all sources. Please look at these categories and tell me which range it falls into:1. No personal income
2. $1–$4999
3. $5000–$9999
4. $10 000–$14 999
5. $15 000–$19 999
6. $20 000–$24 999
7. $25 000–$29 999
8. $30 000–$39 000
9. $40 000–$49 999
10. $50 000–$59 999
11. $60 000–$69 999
12. $70 000–$79 999
13. $80 000 and over
14. Don’t know
15. No response
Section 6.C.1