Table 1

Questions of measurement for parents’ acculturation (1–5 points)

Language proficiencyWhich kind of language do you speak most?2.21±1.48
Can you understand Cantonese?4.01±1.34
Can you speak Cantonese?2.93±1.61
Can you understand Mandarin?4.83±0.53
Can you speak Mandarin?3.66±1.27
Which language do you speak most in your current residence?3.18±1.46
Lifestyle integration
 Social customsAre you familiar with the local customs of wedding and funeral?1.98±0.97
Will you follow the local customs of wedding and funeral?2.68±1.20
Do you return during the spring festival?2.15±1.23
If you can choose, will you return during the spring festival?1.50±1.00
If you can choose, would you like to celebrate the spring festival following the customs of Guangzhou?2.20±1.05
 DressingDo you think natives’ dressing in Guangzhou is more beautiful?3.35±0.92
Which style will you choose when you dress yourself up?3.29±0.82
 Dietary habitsWill you choose Guangdong food when you cook?2.52±0.96
Which kind of food do you like most in your daily life?2.61±1.00
 Life pressureDo you think life in Guangzhou was more stressful?2.59±1.83
Do you like the life pace in Guangzhou?2.79±1.35
 EntertainmentDo you like to watch TV programme in Cantonese?3.36±1.46
Do you like to listen songs in Cantonese?3.16±1.46
Did you focus on news of Guangzhou instead of your hometown?4.08±0.95
Do you prefer entertainment of Guangzhou in your spare time?3.16±0.97
 Social interactionWhere does your closest friend come from?2.41±1.18
Where does the friend who can make you feel most comfortable come from?2.34±1.23
 Self-identityWhere do you think you belong to?1.88±1.14
Do you feel depressed when someone calls you outlander?2.98±0.48
Are you satisfied with your life in Guangzhou?3.80±0.79
Do you want to stay in Guangzhou the rest of your life?3.62±0.84