Table 4

Neonatal outcomes associated with live births of 37 and 38 weeks' gestation relative to singleton live births of 39–40 weeks' gestation

Antibiotic useHypoglycaemia in the first
48 hours of life
Phototherapy in the first
72 hours of life
Transient tachypnoea of the newbornPhototherapy after hospital discharge
%ORAOR* (95% CI)%ORAOR* (95% CI)%ORAOR* (95% CI)%ORAOR* (95% CI)%ORAOR* (95% CI)
   37 weeks (n=1219) (0.63 to 1.77)0.72.612.53 (1.09 to 5.89) (0.75 to 1.99)1.81.431.42 (0.88 to 2.28) (1.42 to 3.13)
   38 weeks (n=3213)1.60.950.92 (0.57 to 1.48)0.72.442.22 (0.99 to 4.95)1.70.850.86 (0.61 to 1.22) (0.62 to 1.70) (0.93 to 1.84)
   39/40 weeks (n=6178)1.7Reference0.3Reference2.0Reference1.3Reference2.9Reference
  No maternal or fetal conditions
   37 weeks (n=1027) (0.66 to 2.12) (1.11 to 7.46)2.41.481.48 (0.88 to 2.51)1.81.671.69 (0.95 to 3.00) (1.26 to 3.15)
   38 weeks (n=2743)1.50.920.90 (0.53 to 1.52)0.62.562.29 (0.85 to 6.21)1.60.991.01 (0.69 to 1.46) (0.64 to 1.9) (0.77 to 1.73)
   39/40 weeks (n=5195)1.6Reference0.2Reference1.6Reference1.1Reference2.8Reference
  Maternal or fetal conditions‡
   37 weeks (n=192)1.40.610.66 (0.18 to 2.37)0.81.522.04 (0.31 to 13.59)2.60.660.63 (0.22 to 1.78)1.80.790.78 (0.27 to 2.21)8.22.533.12 (1.46 to 6.66)
   38 weeks (n=470) (0.45 to 2.46) (0.39 to 14.04)2.10.540.55 (0.22 to 1.37)2.00.890.83 (0.29 to 2.38) (1.08 to 4.25)
   39/40 weeks (n=983)2.2Reference0.5Reference3.8Reference2.2Reference3.4Reference
Provider initiated
   37 weeks (n=943)3.11.551.68 (1.03 to 2.76)1.15.415.54 (2.22 to 13.83)5.63.473.44 (2.29 to 5.17) (1.24 to 3.45)5.91.531.53 (1.03 to 2.28)
   38 weeks (n=2869) (0.78 to 1.94)1.04.524.88 (2.13 to 11.18) (1.41 to 2.86) (0.72 to 1.79)5.61.431.43 (1.03 to 2.00)
   39/40 weeks (n=4230)2.1Reference0.2Reference1.7Reference1.7Reference4.0Reference
  No maternal or fetal conditions
   37 weeks (n=538) (0.63 to 2.44)0.87.517.86 (1.95 to 31.71)4.83.673.59 (1.95 to 6.60) (1.57 to 5.65) (0.62 to 1.85)
   38 weeks (n=1980) (0.72 to 2.18) (1.63 to 20.32)3.12.312.29 (1.49 to 3.53) (1.00 to 4.48) (0.81 to 1.67)
   39/40 weeks (n=3069)1.7Reference0.1Reference1.3Reference1.0Reference4.4Reference
  Maternal or fetal conditions‡
   37 weeks (n=405)4.91.641.65 (0.82 to 3.35) (1.03 to 11.7)6.72.732.78 (1.51 to 5.11) (0.57 to 2.39)7.42.752.91 (1.41 to 6.00)
   38 weeks (n=889) (0.51 to 2.43)1.93.844.26 (1.2 to 15.14)3.91.551.54 (0.86 to 2.75)1.80.470.47 (0.27 to 0.82)6.32.312.61 (1.43 to 4.79)
   39/40 weeks (n=1161)3.0Reference0.5Reference2.5Reference3.8Reference2.8Reference
  • *Women with the following conditions: hypertensive disorders (chronic hypertension, pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome); eclampsia; pre-existing and gestational diabetes; renal, cardiac or autoimmune diseases; severe infection at admission for birth; placental abruption and placental praevia and fetuses with IUGR.

  • †Adjusted for capacity of hospital of birth, payment of birth, age, years of schooling, parity, previous caesarean section, history of stillbirth or neonatal death and mode of birth.

  • ‡Spontaneous onset of labour or premature rupture of membranes.

  • AOR, adjusted OR; HELLP, haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count; IUGR, intraueterine growth restriction.