Rank | Company | Transparency score (%) |
#1 | Johnson & Johnson/Janssen | 100 |
#1 | Sanofi/Genzyme | 100 |
#3 | Abbvie | 96 |
#4 | Celgene | 95 |
#5 | Merck | 93 |
#6 | AstraZeneca | 91 |
#7 | Roche | 90 |
#8 | Novartis | 88 |
#9 | Gilead | 73 |
#10 | Allergan | 63 |
#11 | Valeant | 50 |
Median | 91 |
*Based on the average of companies’ scores for (1) the trials-in-patients analysis and (2) FDAAA compliance measure that counted a trial as compliant if it satisfied either interpretation of the reporting requirements.
FDAAA, Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act.