Table 5

Results of the economic analysis for both cost per point change in CDI-2 and cost per QALY

OutcomeAnalysisIncremental costCIIncremental effectCIICER
CDI-2 differenceComplete case334(−606, 1274)−4.6(−10.1, 0.87)73*
Imputed292(−558, 1142)−4.8(−10.3, 0.75)61*
QALY differenceComplete case355(−596, 1305)−0.0027(−0.04, 0.03)Negative
Imputed286(−1063, 1634)0.0019(−0.063, 0.067)£152 822
  • *For ICERs related to change in CDI-2, the sign of the difference has been changed as a negative change in CDI-2 represents an improvement.

  • CDI-2, Children’s Depression Inventory-2; ICER, incremental cost-effectiveness ratio; QALY, quality-adjusted life year.