Table 1

Sample characteristics for fathers of likely refugee backgrounds, fathers who had migrated from non-English-speaking and English-speaking countries, and fathers born in Australia

Demographic characteristicsRefugee
Migrated from a non-English-speaking country
Migrated from an English-speaking country
Born in Australia
F or χ2 P
Caregiver type, n (%)
 Biological father131 (100.0%)865 (99.2%)980 (97.5%)5967 (97.4%)
 Adoptive father0 (0.0%)0 (0.0%)1 (0.1%)12 (0.2%)16.00.192
 Step-father0 (0.0%)7 (0.8%)24 (2.4%)147 (2.4%)
 Foster father0 (0.0%)0 (0.0%)0 (0.0%)3 (<0.1%)
Age (mean)39.339.639.437.276.4<0.001
Country/region of birth, n (%)
 New Zealand0 (0.0%)0 (0.0%)246 (24.5%)
 Great Britain0 (0.0%)0 (0.0%)553 (55.0%)
 North America0 (0.0%)0 (0.0%)52 (5.2%)
 Melanesia0 (0.0%)0 (0.0%)19 (1.9%)
 Polynesia0 (0.0%)56 (6.4%)11 (1.1%)
 Western Europe0 (0.0%)62 (7.1%)0 (0.0%)
 Southern Europe0 (0.0%)34 (3.9%)0 (0.0%)
 South Eastern Europe7 (5.3%)36 (4.1%)0 (0.0%)
 Eastern Europe1 (0.8%)20 (2.3%)0 (0.0%)
 North Africa8 (6.1%017 (1.9%)0 (0.0%)
 Middle East46 (35.4%)84 (9.6%)0 (0.0%)
 Southeast Asia50 (38.2%)131 (15.0%)0 (0.0%)
 Northeast Asia0 (0.0%)94 (10.8%)0 (0.0%)
 Southern and Central Asia6 (4.6%)153 (17.5%)0 (0.0%)
 South America5 (3.8%)10 (1.1%)0 (0.0%)
 Central America4 (3.1%)1 (0.1%)0 (0.0%)
 Southern and East Africa4 (3.1%)90 (10.3%)0 (0.0%)
 Confidentialised0 (0.0%)87 (9.9%)124 (12.3%)
Time since arrival in years
English main language spoken at home3 (2.3%)228 (26.1%)925 (92.0%)5854 (95.5%)3882.8<0.001
Speaks English
 Very well45 (34.4%)450 (51.6%)87 (8.6%)319 (5.2%)
 Well50 (38.2%)195 (22.4%)25 (2.5%)20 (0.3%)
 Not well30 (22.9%)62 (7.0%)4 (0.4%)3 (0.1%)192.9<0.001
 Not at all2 (1.5%)11 (1.3%)1 (0.1%)0 (0%)
 Not reported/not relevant4 (3.0%)154 (17.7%)888 (88.4%)5787 (94.4%)
High school completion
 Did not complete high school55 (42.0%)230 (26.4%)397 (39.5%)2884 (47.1%)139.5<0.001
 Completed high school76 (58.0%)642 (73.6%)608 (60.5%)3245 (52.9%)
Tertiary education
 No tertiary education97 (74.0%)490 (56.2%)653 (65.0%)4451 (72.6%)111.31<0.001
 Completed tertiary education34 (26.0%)382 (43.8%)352 (35.0%)1678 (27.4%)
Employment status
 Not in the labour force19 (14.5%)44 (5.0%)41 (4.1%)225 (3.7%)
 Unemployed and looking for work7 (5.3%)26 (3.0%)16 (1.6%)87 (1.4%)143.6<0.001
 Part-time employment20 (15.3%)72 (8.3%)38 (3.8%)233 (3.8%)
 Full-time employment (30+hours/week)85 (64.9%)730 (83.7%)910 (90.5%)5580 (91.0%)
Weekly income ($A/week)
 Less than 50051 (49.0%)171 (23.4%)112 (12.4%)726 (11.8%)
 500–99932 (30.8%)238 (32.5%)257 (28.5%)1828 (29.8%)
 1000–199918 (17.3%)250 (34.2%)368 (40.8%)2320 (37.9%)197.6<0.001
 2000 or more3 (2.9%)73 (9.9%)165 (18.3%)700 (11.4%)
 Not reported27140103555 (9.1%)
Study child gender, male57 (43.5%)438 (50.2%)515 (51.2%)3145 (51.3%)3.50.322
Number of children in household (mean)<0.001
Two-parent household131 (100.0%)868 (99.5%)995 (99.0%)6089 (99.3%)4.70.581
Socioeconomic position (M, SD)−0.640.220.240.1036.9<0.001
Socioeconomic position category
 High18 (13.7%)276 (31.7%)293 (29.2%)1447 (23.6%)
 Medium38 (29.0%)378 (43.3%)511 (50.8%)3149 (51.4%)120.2<0.001
 Low75 (57.3%)218 (25.0%)201 (20.0%)1533 (25.0%)
SEIFA disadvantage (M, SD)977.71018.21025.51013.928.8<0.001
  • SEIFA, socio-economic indexes for areas.