Characteristic of type |
BT1 does not recognise his/her illness and seriousness of the health situation. Eagerness for lifestyle change is low and considers it as a burden. Has tendency to hold on to beliefs.
BT2 easily acts intuitively and emotionally. Hope someone can improve his/her health condition. Mostly prioritises other people than considering his/her health. BT2 tends to talk about assumptions such as ‘I would like to improve if possible’, ‘I can do it if I want to do’, etc.
Specific approach for patients of each type |
Make sure to provide accurate information, using blood test results and disease status. Also have him/her think about what he/she wants to do to improve his/her health. Mention health risks that could occur in future that are realistic enough to occur in his/her daily life. Provide encouragement such as ‘Achieve continuation of at least one effective behaviour to avoid failure in improving your clinical data’.
Provide encouragement such as ‘Your health is more important than taking care of others’ and ‘It is your job to protect your own health’. Show him/her suitable size of meals (per meal or per day) with flip cards or food models. Advise preparing meals with attention to the ‘Model Menu’. Encourage him/her to do ‘self-reflection’ as to whether behaviour is bad or good for him/her. This will enable him/her to continuously be aware of the problem. Repeatedly ask ‘What is the goal you had wanted to achieve?’