Table 2a

Comparisons of the rates of samples received by temporal factors and survey responses

Day of request0.059
 Monday936550 (58.8%)
 Tuesday882510 (57.8%)
 Wednesday888518 (58.3%)
 Thursday814454 (55.8%)
 Friday738435 (58.9%)
 Saturday466257 (55.2%)
 Sunday586375 (64.0%)
Time of day0.665
 8:00–12:591437858 (59.7%)
 13:00–17:591702980 (57.6%)
 18:00–22:591407818 (58.1%)
 23:00–7:59764443 (58.0%)
Gender <0.001*
 Female35132149 (61.2%)
 Male1787949 (53.1%)
 Transgender (female to male)30 (0.0%)
 Transgender (male to female)71 (14.3%)
Place of kit collection/delivery <0.001
 Home41152495 (60.6%)
 Clinic633357 (56.4%)
 Pharmacy562247 (44.0%)
History of sex with someone with infections in the last 6 months0.085
 None of these infections47472782 (58.6%)
 Chlamydia or NSU469267 (56.9%)
 Gonorrhea5235 (67.3%)
 Hepatitis B or C124 (33.3%)
 HIV115 (45.5%)
 Syphilis 82 (25.0%)
 Trichomoniasis104 (40.0%)
Country of birth questions† 0.031
 Neither option44072605 (59.1%)
 Unprotected sex with someone born outside Northern EU715398 (55.7%)
 Respondent born outside Northern EU18796 (51.3%)
2015 IMD rank‡ 0.007
 <500018551039 (56.0%)
 500014 99920951239 (59.1%)
 15000+1321798 (60.4%)
  • p Values are from χ2 tests, unless stated otherwise, and bolded p values are significant at p<0.05.

  • *A comparison of male versus female (excluding transgender) was also significant at p<0.001.

  •  †Combines the questions: ‘Do you have a history of unprotected sex with someone born or raised outside any of the countries listed?’ and ‘Were you born outside of the countries listed?’, as the latter is only asked if an answer of ‘No’ is given to the former.

  • ‡Excludes the n=39 with for whom the IMD was not available, and p value is from a Mann-Whitney test, treating the IMD rank as continuous.

  • IMD, Index of Multiple Deprivation Score; STI, sexually transmitted infection.