Table 1

Population-level measures of child health and family functioning

Child developmental health
Developmental healthScores on the Early Development Instrument assessed by teachers in kindergarten year, along five domains: physical health and well-being; emotional maturity; social competence; language and cognitive skills and general knowledge and communication skills. Overall and domain-specific scores will be used. This measure is available for off-reserve schools and for over half of the 63 First Nations communities in Manitoba, including 60% of the SF-MCH communities.
Family functioning
Justice involvementChild involvement as a victim or a witness in the provincial justice system in the first 3 years of life
Maternal mental healthDefined as mother having at least one physician visit for a mood/anxiety, personality or psychotic disorder, using the following medical claims codes: for mood/anxiety disorders (ICD9 codes 296, 300, 309 and 311), personality disorders (ICD9 code 301) and psychotic disorders (ICD9 codes 295, 297 and 298)
Substance useHospitalisations and physician visits with codes for alcohol and/or drug dependence (ICD9 codes: 291–292, 303–305; ICD10 codes: F10–F19, F55)
Child immunisationComplete and partial immunisation at 1 and 2 years of age defined by a minimum number of doses of each type of vaccine based on the immunisation schedule at time of birth
Participation in Healthy Baby ProgrammesDefined as participation in any Healthy Baby Programme (as per Brownell et al 52) after start of FFHV or SF-MCH participation. Healthy Baby programmes include the Prenatal Benefit (available throughout Manitoba) and Community Support Programme (not available on-reserve)
Child maltreatment-related outcomes
Violent deathsTaken from Gilbert et al 25
Homicides and injury purposively inflicted (ICD9 codes E960–E969 and ICD10 codes X85–Y09); other violence (ICD9 codes E970–E999 and ICD10 codes Y10–Y36, Y87, Y89)—including undetermined whether accidental or purposive and injury due to legal interventions and operations of war
Maltreatment-related hospitalisationsTaken from Gilbert et al 25
  1. Maltreatment-syndrome: ICD9 codes 995.5, E967, 994.2 or 994.3 and ICD10 codes T74, Y06, Y07 or T73

  2. Assault: ICD9 codes E960–E966, E968, E969 and ICD10 codes X85–Y09

  3. Undetermined cause: ICD9 codes E980–E989, V68.2, V70.4, V71.4, V71.5, V71.6, V71.81 and ICD10 codes Y10–Y34, Z04.0, Z04.5, Z04.8

  4. Adverse social circumstances: ICD9 codes V15.4, V15.5, V15.9, V60, V61 and ICD10 codes Z60–Z63, Z72, Z74, Z76.1, Z76.2, Z81, Z86.5, Z91.6, Z91.8

Child taken into careChild entering out-of-home care (eg, foster care) one or more times during each year after birth
  • FFHV, Families First Home Visiting; SF-MCH, Strengthening Families Maternal Child Health.