Table 2

Number of remaining teeth and oral health behaviours according to dentition status

NRT: ≥20NRT: 1–19NRT: 0
Group of NRT (n=531)*26.7±3.7 (27.0)10.8±5.5 (12.0)18.1±10.9 (21.0)
 073 (13.7)
 1–19165 (31.1)
 ≥20293 (55.2)
Oral hygiene
 Times of daily brushing teeth1.8±0.9
  Frequent (≥2 times)204 (69.5)116 (70.3)44 (60.3)372 (67.8)
  Infrequent (<2 times)89 (30.4)49 (29.7)29 (39.7)177 (32.2)
 Brushing teeth after meal
  Often62 (21.2)37 (22.4)22 (30.1)124 (22.6)
  Seldom231 (78.8)128 (77.6)51 (69.9)425 (77.4)
 Using dental floss‡
  Often (≥once a day)67 (22.9)17 (10.3)7 (9.6)91 (16.6)
  Seldom (<once a day)226 (77.1)148 (89.7)66 (90.4)458 (83.4)
 Visiting dentist per 6 months‡
  Regular73 (24.9)38 (23.0)7 (9.6)121 (22.0)
  Irregular220 (75.1)127 (77.0)66 (90.4)428 (78.0)
 Water intake per day
  Sufficient (≥1500 mL)186 (63.5)98 (59.4)35 (47.9)328 (59.7)
  Insufficient (<1500 mL)107 (36.5)67 (40.6)38 (52.1)221 (40.3)
 Five nutrition groups per day‡
  Balanced191 (65.2)84 (50.9)47 (64.4)328 (59.7)
  Unbalanced102 (34.8)81 (49.1)26 (35.6)221 (40.3)
 Smoking habit
  Never or formerly218 (74.4)126 (76.4)53 (72.6)410 (74.7)
  Current users75 (25.6)39 (23.6)20 (27.4)139 (25.3)
 Alcohol habit
  Never or formerly245 (83.6)139 (84.2)63 (86.3)460 (83.8)
  Current users48 (15.4)26 (15.8)10 (13.7)89 (16.2)
  • Data are expressed as numbers (percentages) or means±SDs (medians).

  • *18 missing data.  

  • †All variables except NRT asked the edentulous subjects to recall their behaviours when dentate. 

  • ‡p<0.05 derived from χ2 test.

  • NRT, number of remaining teeth.