Table 3

Risk of bias summary based on Prediction study Risk Of Bias Assessment Tool (PROBAST) (permission from Wolff R, personal communication)

PopulationGeneral surgeryT&OGeneral (medical and surgical)Heart failure
Model, yearKheterpal et al, 200733 Kheterpal et al, 200934 Bell et al, 201535 Drawz et al, 200838 Matheny et al, 201037 Koyner et al, 201640 Bedford et al, 201639 Forni et al, 201336 Forman et al, 200443 Breidthardt et al, 201141 Wang et al, 201342
Study participants??+++?++???
Sample size and missing data++????
Statistical analysis++?
Overall judgement of bias + +
Overall judgement of applicability?++
Usability of the model+++++++++++
  • Study participants domain: design of the included study, and inclusion and exclusion of its participants; predictors domain: definition, timing and measurement of predictors (also assesses whether predictors have not been measured and were therefore omitted from the model); outcome domain: definition, timing and measurement of predicted outcomes; sample size and missing data domain: number of participants in the study and exclusions owing to missing data; statistical analysis domain: methods (eg, appropriate presentation of discrimination and calibration). Red=‘high’, green=‘low’ or amber=‘unclear’ risk of bias.