System level | Data | |
Macro level | Documents: 6 (national policy documents) | ONR 2011:112; Report No. 9 (2012–2013) to the Storting38; Report No. 10 (2012–2013) to the Storting39; Report No. 29 (2012–2013) to the Storting,40 Report No. 11 (2014–2015) to the Storting41; Care Plan 2 0242 |
Meso level | Interviews: 5 | Assistant director, project manager, adviser in municipal administration, head of health and welfare department, head of home-based care |
Documents: 2 | Municipal strategy plan for implementing assistive living technologies, report on use of resources in municipal healthcare services | |
Micro level | Focus group interviews: 2 (n=12) | Six informants in each group; nurses in direct patient care and nurse managers |