Table 3

Model performance comparison for original validation study and new validation in immigrant and non-immigrant subgroups

CohortRMSE (wks)Infants with GA correctly classified
Overall 37 wks32–<37 wks28–<32 wks<28 wks
±1 wks (%)±2 wks (%)±1 wks (%)±2 wks (%)±1 wks (%)±2 wks (%)±1 wks (%)±2 wks (%)±1 wks (%)±2 wks (%)
Original validation1.0666.894.969.196.439.075.646.576.950.777.5
Validation based on immigration status in IRCC
 New validation cohort (overall)1.0467.
 All immigrants1.0467.795.269.696.441.476.949.578.944.782.3
  • GA, gestational age; IRCC, Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s Permanent Resident Database; RMSE, root mean squared error; wks, weeks.