Table 3

Discriminatory power of the mothers’ IPARAN score, relative to the scores on the related constructs in the borderline/clinical or P10 range filled in by the mothers

Related constructsnMean score on IPARAN* (SD)Cohen’s dAUC (95% CI)
Competence as a person
High risk65 2.70 (2.63) 0.580.68 (0.60; 0.75)
Low risk6071.17 (1.73)
Competence as a parent
High risk84 2.01 (2.15) 0.370.62 (0.56; 0.69)
Low risk5891.22 (1.83)
Childhood experience
High risk27 5.04 (2.00) 1.930.93 (0.91; 0.96)
Low risk6471.18 (1.74)
Partner relationship
High risk14 3.61 (3.22) 0.750.74 (0.59; 0.90)
Low risk6441.19 (1.70)
Social contacts
High risk47 3.71 (3.09) 0.830.76 (0.68; 0.84)
Low risk6281.15 (1.66)
Depressive symptoms§
High risk58 4.11 (3.21) 0.950.81 (0.74; 0.87)
Low risk6101.07 (1.48)
  • Bold numbers indicate a significant difference between the high-risk and low-risk group (p<0.008) as tested with a Mann-Whitney U test, and corrected for multiple testing with a Bonferroni correction (0.05/6).

  • *The mean score represents the summation score of the mother.

  • †Derived from the EMPO 2.0.26

  • ‡Derived from the Family Functioning Questionnaire.27

  • §Derived from the Parenting Stress Questionnaire.28

  • AUC, area under the curve; EMPO 2.0, Empowerment Questionnaire 2.0; IPARAN, instrument for Ientification of Parents at Risk for child Abuse and Neglect.