Table 2

Concurrent validity: correlations between parents’ scores (mothers n=676; fathers n=51) on the IPARAN and those on the related constructs

IPARAN*Related constructsMissingsCorrelation mother’s partCorrelation father’s part
Total scoreCompetence as a person¶†4 −0.24 <0.001 −0.40 0.004
Competence as a parent¶†3 −0.10 0.007 −0.060.691
Childhood experience¶‡2 −0.58 <0.001 −0.59 <0.001
Partner relationship¶‡18 −0.36 <0.001 −0.170.236
Social contacts¶‡1 −0.39 <0.001 −0.220.117
Depressive symptoms**§4 0.50 <0.001 0.48 <0.001
  • Bold numbers indicate a significant correlation between the item on the IPARAN and the related construct (p<0.008) as tested with Pearson’s correlation and corrected for multiple testing with a Bonferroni correction (0.05/6).

  • *Correlations between total score on the IPARAN in the first column and the related constructs in the second column were calculated using Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r). The IPARAN score of the mother was correlated to related constructs filled in by the mother. The IPARAN score of the father was correlated to related constructs filled in by the father.

  • †Derived from the EMPO 2.0.26

  • ‡Derived from the Family Functioning Questionnaire.27

  • §Derived from the Parenting Stress Questionnaire.28

  • ¶A low score indicates problems.

  • **A high scores indicates problems.

  • EMPO 2.0, Empowerment Questionnaire 2.0; IPARAN, instrument for Ientification of Parents at Risk for child Abuse and Neglect.