Table 1

Semistructured interview questionnaire

Issue studiesQuestions
DiseaseHow would you describe your pain? And your condition? What does it mean to you?
What elements, factors or situations affect your experience of pain?
How much do you know about your headache and the disease you suffer?
How do you feel during a migraine crisis? What does it mean to you?
How has your headache evolved over the past few years?
What do asymptomatic periods mean to you?
What aspects of the disease are most relevant to you?
DiagnosesWhat prompted you to seek medical help for the first time?
Could you explain the process of your diagnosis? What doctors and specialists did you visit, what tests were performed, etc?
Could you describe the most relevant aspects of the attention you received from your GP and from your neurologist?
What is your opinion regarding the time it took to reach a diagnosis of your pain?
Treatment and strategiesTreatment
What do you consider to be the most relevant aspect of the treatment that has been prescribed to you?
What do you think about the treatment?
Do you adhere to the treatment? Why?
Are there any strategies you adopt to cope with your pain?
Have you received any advice to control your pain that differs from that of your doctor?
Have you taken any substance other than the treatment prescribed to control your pain? Why?
Have you tried any alternative medicines? Yoga, reiki, homeopathy. Why?
Doctor–patient relationshipHow would you describe your relationship with your doctor? What is the most important thing for you?
How do you think this relationship influences your disease?
What do you think that the physicians think about migraine?
Have you had to visit A & E services and for what reason?
What did it mean to you to have to visit the A & E services?
What was the most relevant aspect of having to visit A & E?
Daily lifeWhat are the most relevant changes you have made in your life because of CM?
How much and in what ways does CM restrict you?
Working environmentHas your job suffered because of your condition?
How do you think that your workmates and your boss perceive your disease?
Have you ever hidden your headache at work? Why?
Socio-family environmentWhat have been the most relevant changes in your social and family life? And with respect to your partner?
Has your relationship with your partner, friends and close relatives changed because of your condition? If so, in what way?
Do you usually hide your migraine from your partner, family or friends? Why?
How do you believe other people perceive migraine?
  • A&E, emergency department; CM, chronic migraine; GP, general practitioner.