Table 1

Demographic characteristics of respondents

ALSn (%)Controln (%)
Country of birth
 USA72 (36)Australia228 (62)
 Australia55 (27)Other (<3% each)65 (18)
 Canada32 (16)USA33 (9)
 Other (<3% each)22 (11)UK23 (6)
 UK11 (5)South Africa10 (3)
 South Africa5 (3)Spain10 (3)
 Spain5 (3)
Country of residence
 USA73 (36)Australia282 (76)
 Australia69 (34)USA39 (11)
 Canada38 (19)Other* (<1% each)27 (7)
 Other* (<3% each)12 (6)Canada5 (1)
 South Africa5 (3)New Zealand5 (1)
 Spain5 (3)
 Other (<6% each)82 (41)Other (<4% each)125 (34%)
 Australian34 (17)Australian105 (28)
 English28 (14)English66 (18)
 American16 (8)Irish35 (10)
 Irish16 (8)British20 (5)
 Canadian13 (6)Scottish15 (4)
 German13 (6)
Cultural group
 Australian57 (28)Australian238 (64)
 American43 (21)Other (<2% each)63 (17)
 Other (<3% each)43 (21)American24 (7)
 Canadian29 (14)English22 (6)
 English17 (8)Spanish10 (3)
 German6 (3)Dutch8 (2)
  • *Other countries of residence (in alphabetical order): Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, China, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, Germany, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and UK.

  • Some subsets do not add up to the total number of respondents because of answers to particular questions not being given.

  • ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.