Table 3

Factors associated with any HPV infection: unadjusted and adjusted

Any HPV infectionUnivariateMultivariate
Negative (n)Positive (n)OR95% CIpOR95% CIp
Among male participants
 Total observations15818171
 Age (years)0.90*0.67 to 1.200.4650.92*0.66 to 1.270.605
  Primary and secondary66101.001.00
  Technical training4460.900.31 to 2.651.020.31 to 3.34
  University grade4820.280.06 to 1.310.270.05 to 1.32
  Employed1110.780.09 to 6.43
  Other1221.520.31 to 7.41
 Age at sexual debut0.2680.191
  Less than 18101141.001.00
  18 or more5440.530.17 to 1.700.430.12 to 1.52
 Number of sex partners in the last 6 months0.254
  >15791.770.67 to 4.72
 Condom use in the last sexual intercourse0.822
  Yes118130.880.30 to 2.63
 Had a STI in life0.0970.057
  Yes1952.770.89 to 8.653.210.97 to 10.64
 HIV infection0.347
  Positive313.040.30 to 30.86
Among female participants
 Total observations86150234
 Age (years)0.87*0.74 to 1.020.0910.88*0.75 to 1.040.139
  Primary and secondary51861.001.00
  Technical training17421.470.76 to 2.841.570.80 to 3.11
  University grade18220.720.36 to 1.480.810.39 to 1.68
  Employed381.560.40 to 6.04
  Other8151.080.44 to 2.67
 Age at sexual debut0.0410.109
  Less than 18551151.001.00
  18 or more30340.540.30 to 0.970.610.33 to 1.12
 Number of sex partners in the last 6 months0.0550.150
  >17262.370.98 to 5.711.940.79 to 4.80
 Condom use in the last sexual intercourse1.000
  Yes51901.000.58 to 1.72
 Had a STI in life0.665
  Yes28531.130.65 to 1.98
 HIV infection0.258
  Positive4131.950.61 to 6.17
  • *Associated effect of 1-year increase.

  • HPV, human papillomavirus.