Table 1

Baseline characteristics of patients

Baseline characteristicsPA/MD model (n=1021)MD model (n=1286)p Value
Medical specialty, n(%)<0.01
  Surgery601 (59%)696 (54%)
  Gastroenterology102 (10%)181 (14%)
  Pulmonology91 (9%)107 (8%)
  Cardiology101 (10%)124 (10%)
  Orthopaedics103 (10%)100 (8%)
  ENT, head and neck oncology surgery23 (2%)78 (6%)
Hospital type, n(%)<0.01
  Teaching552 (54%)709 (55%)
   Academic23 (2%)78 (6%)
   Non-academic529 (52%)631 (49%)
  Non-teaching469 (46%)577 (45%)
Gender, male, n(%)524 (53%)682 (54%)0.47
Age, years, mean ± SD64±1663±150.11
Major diagnoses, n(%)<0.01
  Digestive system204 (20%)247 (19%)
  Circulatory system158 (16%)274 (22%)
  Neoplasms108 (11%)195 (15%)
  Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue120 (12%)119 (9%)
  Injury and poisoning135 (13%)80 (6%)
  Infectious and parasitic diseases59 (6%)81 (6%)
  Respiratory system51 (5%)75 (6%)
  Symptoms61 (6%)87 (7%)
Charlson index for comorbidity score, mean±SD (% with score≥1)1.1±1.8 (43%)1.1±1.8 (44%)0.65
Highest education, n(%)0.15
  Low371 (38%)422 (34%)
  Middle380 (39%)489 (40%)
  High233 (24%)328 (27%)
Ethnicity, Dutch, n(%)976 (99%)1212 (98%)0.15
Marital status, n(%)0.29
  No partner136 (14%)167 (14%)
  Partner730 (74%)949 (77%)
  Widow119 (12%)125 (10%)
Smoking status, n(%)0.65
  No, never smoked325 (33%)385 (31%)
  No, but ever smoked494 (48%)626 (50%)
  Yes, still smoking174 (17%)230 (19%)
Body mass index (mean±SD)27±527±50.79
Number of hospitalisations for same problem, n(%)0.20
  1 hospitalisation580 (59%)693 (56%)
 >1 hospitalisation403 (41%)540 (44%)
Type of admission, n(%)<0.01
  Elective402 (41%)687 (56%)
  Urgent588 (59%)547 (44%)
Discharge destination, n(%)<0.01
  Home765 (90%)965 (92%)
  Hospital12 (1%)30 (3%)
  Nursing home/rehabilitation centre/hospice56 (7%)28 (3%)
  Family relative18 (2%)25 (2%)
  • Numbers may not add up to the total because of missing values.

  • ENT, ear, nose, throat; MD, medical doctor; PA, physician assistant.