Table 2

Lifestyle factors, body function, activity, participation and health-related quality of life at baseline (n=123)

Lifestyle behavioural factors
Body mass index (kg/m2)*27 (5.5)—26 (23; 29)
AUDIT-C (0–12)†2.2 (1.4)—2.0 (1.0; 3.0)
Smoking [% (n/n)]
 Never smoked40% (49/123)
 Previously smoked36% (44/123)
 Currently smoking20% (25/123)
 Currently snuffing4% (5/123)
Sleep quantity (% (n/n))‡
 Certainly enough14% (17/123)
 Broadly enough47% (58/123)
 Some shortage24% (29/123)
 Clearly insufficient15% (19/123)
Sleep quality (% (n/n))§
 Very good19% (23/121)
 Quite good51% (62/121)
 Quite bad21% 25/121)
 Very bad9% (11/121)
SCI-93¶36 (21)—35 (19; 51)
LTPAI, hours per week (n=122)**7.8 (8.5)—6.0 (3.4; 9.0)
Body function
 Pain localisations (0–18)††4.6 (3.2)—4.0 (2.0; 6.0)
 Pain intensity (VAS 0–100 mm)‡‡45 (27)—45 (24; 68)
 Fatigue (VAS 0–100 mm)‡‡53 (29)—53 (28; 75)
 6MWT (m) (n=121)572 (86)—581 (515; 633)
 Hand grip strength (N)232 (76)—237 (184; 285)
 HADS-A (0–21)§§6.4 (4.4)—5.0 (3.0; 9.0)
 HADS-D (0–21)§§4.3 (3.6)—3.0 (1.0; 7.0)
Activity (n=121)
 RMDQ (0-24)¶¶8.4 (4.8)—7.0 (4.0; 12)
 Work ability (yes) (% (n/n))79% (97/123)
Environmental factors
 Private social support (4–20)***16 (3.5)—17 (14; 19)
Health-related quality of life (n=122)
 PCS (0–100)†††38 (9.9)—39 (31; 47)
 MCS (0–100)†††46 (13)—49 (37; 56)
  • *First figure mean values (SD). Second figure median values (25th; 75th percentile).

  • †The AUDIT-C, three items. Higher scores reflect higher alcohol consumption (0–12).

  • ‡One item: ‘Do you think you get enough sleep?’

  • §One item: ‘On the whole, how do you think you sleep?’

  • ¶Higher scores indicate more severe clinical stress symptoms (0–140).

  • **LTPAI assesses the total hours of physical activity in leisure time during a typical week.

  • ††Self-reported pain locations registered by a figure with predefined body locations (0–18).

  • ‡‡Perceived pain intensity, fatigue over the last week rated on a VAS (0–100). Higher values indicate more pain, fatigue.

  • §§Higher scores indicate more anxiety (0–21) and depression (0–21).

  • ¶¶RMDQ indicates disability related to low back pain (0–24) at baseline. Higher scores indicate more severe disability.

  • ***Medical Outcome Study Social Support Survey (four-item scale) reflects private social support ranging from 1 to 5. Higher scores reflect more perceived support (4-20).

  • †††SF-36. The PCS score (0–100) and MCS score (0–100).

  • 6MWT, 6 min walk test; AUDIT-C, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test; HADS-A and HADS-D, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; LTPAI, leisure time physical activity instrument; MCS, mental component summary; PCS, physical component summary; RMDQ, Roland Morris disability questionnaire; SCI-93, Stress and Crisis Inventory; SF-36, short-form health survey; VAS, visual analogue scale.